The Xentara Clarify Client v1.2
User Manual

Authentication method can be selected from Basic and OAuth 2.0. The credentials that need to be configured will be based on the selected method.

Basic Authentication

Basic authentication is done with simple username and password strings. It must be selected and configured in the "credentials" section of the Integration configurations as below:

"credentials": {
"@BasicAuthentication" {
"username": "username",
"password": "password"

Object Members
usernameA string value containing the username to be used for authentication with clarify database.
passwordA string value containing the password to be used for authentication with clarify database.

By requesting basic credentials for a specific integration from the clarify database you will get two strings for username and password. For information about how to get credentials for basic authentication with clarify database see here

OAuth 2.0 Authentication

OAuth 2.0 authentication can be selected in the "credentials" section of the Integration configurations. and be configured as below:

"credentials": {
"@OauthAuthentication" {
"type": "client_credentials",
"apiUrl": "api url",
"accessTokenUrl": "access token url",
"clientId": "client id",
"clientSecret": "client secret"

Object Members
typeA string value containing the type of credentials. It must be set according to the OAuth 2.0 credentilas json file recieved from clarify database
apiUrlA string value containing the clarify database api url. It must be set according to the OAuth 2.0 credentilas json file recieved from clarify database
accessTokenUrlA string value containing the clarify database access token server url. It must be set according to the OAuth 2.0 credentilas json file recieved from clarify database
clientIdA string value containing the client id. It must be set according to the OAuth 2.0 credentilas json file recieved from clarify database
clientSecretA string value containing the client secret. It must be set according to the OAuth 2.0 credentilas json file recieved from clarify database

By requesting OAuth 2.0 authentication settings from clarify database you will get a json file containing the information needed to be used in the configuration. For more information about how to get credentials for OAuth 2.0 authentication with clarify database, see here