xentara-plugin v2.0.4
The Xentara Plugin Framework
Cxentara::memory::Array | A helper class used to describe structure of memory containing a heterogeneous array |
Cxentara::model::Attribute | A Xentara attribute |
Cxentara::security::Authorization | A authorization that contains the entitlements of an authenticated user |
Cxentara::memory::Bit | An empty placeholder class used as structure of memory containing a single bit |
Cxentara::memory::BitField< Type > | An empty placeholder class used as structure of memory containing an unsigned integer bit field |
►Cxentara::memory::MemoryResource::BlockHandler | Base class for handlers that perorm certain operations on a block |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryResource::BlockHandler::BlockTraits | A size and an alignment |
Cxentara::security::CertificateAuthenticator | An authenticator that uses a user certificates |
Cxentara::security::CertificatePaths | Paths to the files containing a TLS certificate and the associated private key |
►Cxentara::skill::Element::Class | Meta-Information about an element class |
Cxentara::config::CustomResolver< Reference >::Committer | Object for custom handling |
Cxentara::config::Context | A context used when loading skill elements |
Cxentara::security::Context | A security context |
Cxentara::memory::CopyOldValuesTag | Type used to specify that a write sentinel should copy the old values |
Cxentara::data::DataType | A custom type |
►Cxentara::utils::tools::DisableCopy [external] | |
Cxentara::model::Element | A generic element within a Xentara model |
Cxentara::model::ElementAttribute | A reference to an attribute of a specific Xentara element |
Cxentara::skill::EnableSharedFromThis< Derived > | A mixin class that enables getting a shared pointer from the this pointer |
Cxentara::skill::EnableSharedFromThis< MyElement > | |
►Cxentara::process::EventHandler | A handler that can be attached to an event |
Cxentara::process::ExecutionContext | An execution context for executing a task |
Cxentara::process::ExtendedEvent | A reference to an event published by a Xentara element, including change events for attributes |
Cxentara::config::Context::ExternalConfigPath | A file path used to find an external config file or directory |
Cxentara::io::Component::FallbackConfigHandler | A helper object used to throw exceptions for unknown configuration parameters |
Cxentara::io::Io::FallbackConfigHandler | A helper object used to throw exceptions for unknown configuration parameters |
Cxentara::io::IoBatch::FallbackConfigHandler | A helper object used to throw exceptions for unknown configuration parameters |
Cxentara::process::Microservice::FallbackConfigHandler | A helper object used to throw exceptions for unknown configuration parameters |
Cxentara::config::Context::FindExternalConfigOptions | Options for findExternalConfig() |
Cxentara::data::FixedValue< Type > | A helper class that allows constructing read handles that return fixed values |
Cxentara::model::ForEachAttributeFunction | A function object used to iterate over all the attributes of an element |
Cxentara::model::ForEachEventFunction | A function object used to iterate over all the events of an element |
Cxentara::model::ForEachTaskFunction | A function object used to iterate over all the tasks of an element |
Cstd::formatter< Element, char > | Specialization that allows types derived from xentara::model::Element to be used with std::format |
Cstd::formatter< xentara::data::Quality, Char > | Specialization that allows xentara::data::Quality to be used with std::format |
Cstd::formatter< xentara::model::Attribute, char > | Specialization that allows xentara::model::Attribute to be used with std::format |
Cstd::formatter< xentara::model::Attribute::Role, char > | Specialization that allows xentara::model::Attribute::Role to be used with std::format |
Cstd::formatter< xentara::model::ElementAttribute, char > | Specialization that allows xentara::model::ElementAttribute to be used with std::format |
Cstd::formatter< xentara::model::ElementCategory, Char > | Specialization that allows xentara::model::ElementCategory to be used with std::format |
Cstd::formatter< xentara::process::Event::Role, char > | Specialization that allows xentara::process::Event::Role to be used with std::format |
Cstd::formatter< xentara::process::Task::Role, char > | Specialization that allows xentara::process::Task::Role to be used with std::format |
Cstd::formatter< xentara::security::DigestType, Char > | Specialization that allows xentara::security::DigestType to be used with std::format |
Cstd::formatter< xentara::security::Oauth2Scope, Char > | Specialization that allows xentara::security::Oauth2Scope to be used with std::format |
Cxentara::memory::Array::Handle | A handle to an array element |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryResource::Handle< kRole > | A handle used to access a memory block within a memory resource |
Cstd::hash< xentara::process::TimerSchedule > | Specialization that allows xentara::process::TimerSchedule to be used as a hash table key |
Cxentara::security::HttpAuthenticator | An authenticator for authenticating HTTP requests |
Cxentara::security::HttpConfig | Server-side authentication configuration for an HTTP based service |
Cxentara::memory::Initializer< Structure > | A sentinel used for the initialization of memory in a memory resource |
Cxentara::memory::Initializer< xentara::memory::RawMemory > | |
►Cstd::integral_constant< std::size_t, 2 > [external] | |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryBlock< Structure > | A memory block within a memory resource |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryHandle< Structure > | A handle to memory located in a memory resource |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryHandle< Bit > | A handle to a single bit of a byte located in a memory resource |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryHandle< BitField< Type > > | A handle to a bit field object located in a memory resource |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryHandle< Object< Type > > | A handle to a single C++ value object located in a memory resource |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryHandle< Object< Type > >< std::uint8_t > | |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryHandle< RawMemory > | A handle to raw data located in a memory resource |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryHandle< RawMemory >< HandleRole::Generic > | |
Cxentara::memory::MemoryResource | A concept used for classes that can be used as memory resources |
Cxentara::config::CustomResolver< Reference >::NameProjection | A projection that gets the name of an object using name() |
Cxentara::security::NoFieldNameTag | Type used to select overloads of HttpAuthenticator that to not include the header field name |
Cxentara::security::Oauth2Authenticator | An authenticator that uses OAuth 2.0 compatible JSON web tokens |
Cxentara::security::Oauth2Scope | An OAuth 2.0 scope, consisting of a list of scope strings |
Cxentara::memory::Object< Type > | An empty placeholder class used as structure of memory containing a single C++ object |
Cxentara::memory::Array::ObjectHandle< Type > | A handle to an array element containing an object or an array of objects |
Cxentara::security::PasswordAuthenticator | An authenticator that uses user name and password |
Cxentara::memory::RawMemory | An empty placeholder class used the structure of memory containing raw data |
Cxentara::data::ReadHandle | A handle for reading a data value |
Cxentara::memory::ReadSentinel< Structure > | A sentinel that protects read access to memory in a memory resource |
Cxentara::memory::ReadSentinel< xentara::memory::Object< BaseType > > | |
Cxentara::memory::ReadSentinel< xentara::memory::Object< std::uint8_t > > | |
Cxentara::memory::ReadSentinel< xentara::memory::RawMemory > | |
Cxentara::config::Context::ReferenceKey | A key used to resolve a cross reference in the configuration |
Cxentara::skill::Skill::Class::Registry | A registry for the element classes |
Cxentara::process::TimerSchedule | Scheduling information for a timer |
►Cstd::true_type [external] | |
Cstd::tuple_element< kElementIndex, xentara::security::CertificatePaths > | Specialization of std::tuple_element for xentara::security::CertificatePaths |
►Cxentara::utils::tools::Unique [external] | |
Cxentara::process::UnpreparedTag | Type used to specify that an extended event still needs to be prepared |
Cxentara::config::WithoutLocationTag | Type used to specify that a resolver key is not associated with a location in any JSON document |
Cxentara::data::WriteHandle | A handle for writing a data value |
Cxentara::memory::WriteSentinel< Structure > | A sentinel that protects write access to memory in a memory resource |
Cxentara::memory::WriteSentinel< xentara::memory::RawMemory > |