xentara-plugin v2.0.4
The Xentara Plugin Framework
Some events of I/O skill elements are raised during the associated I/O operations. These include, for example, the change events for I/O attributes. Each I/O event is marked with its relevant data directions (input and/or output). If a data point uses a particular skill data point as input and/or output, then it inherits the relevant I/O events from the skill data point. A data point that uses an input that publishes an event called “updated”, for example, will automatically gain an “updated” event of its own, that is raised together with the input skill data point's “updated” event.
Change events for I/O attributes are automatically marked as I/O events. You can mark other events as input and/or output events by constructing the event using xentara::process::Event::Event(xentara::io::Directions), and passing in the relevant data directions.