The Xentara Torch Engine v1.1
User Manual
JSON Format for Torch Engine input Timeseries input

A JSON object describing a Time series model type has following syntax:

"input": {
"type": "Float32",
"timeSteps": 500,
"computeDelay": 50,
"dataPoints": [
"3rd Floor.Room 301.Pressure",
"3rd Floor.Room 301.Temperature"

Object Members
dataPointsA JSON array containing the data points asigned as inputs.
typeA string value containing the data type of the inputs.
  • Float32 Defines input as float 32bit.
  • Float64 Defines input as float 64bit.
  • Int8 Defines input as signed integer 8bit.
  • UInt8 Defines input as unsigned integer 8bit.
  • Int16 Defines input as signed integer 16bit.
  • Int32 Defines input as signed integer 32bit.
  • Int64 Defines input as signed integer 64bit.
  • Bool Defines input as boolean value.
timestepsAn integer value which defines the number of step saples required for the models.
computeDelayAn integer value which defines the number of step delays .

Please remember that each element block requires two layers of {} due to the syntax restrictions of the JSON format.