xentara-utils v2.0.4
The Xentara Utility Library
No Matches
Here is a list of all concepts with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NcoreCore functionality
 RCountingIteratorTypeDetermines if a type is a specialization of CountingIterator
 RFlagEnumA concept that represents an enum suitable as a flag
 NioInput/Output functionality
 RMemoryStreamStorageElementConcept for storage elements for MemoryInputStream and MemoryOutputStream
 RStreamElementConcept for stream elements
 NmemoryMemory tools
 RMemoryElementAn element in a memory region
 RMemoryIteratorAn iterator suitable for iterating over a memory region
 RMemoryRegionA collection suitable as a memory region
 RVoidPointerA concept that checks for void pointers
 NnetworkNetworking functionality
 RSockaddrCompatibleA concept describing types that can be used as socket addresses
 NstringString utilities
 RSpecialStringTypeA concept for determining whether a type is a special custom string type
 RCharacterTypeA concept for character data
 NtoolsTools and utilities
 RIntegralDetermines if a type is an integral type, but not a bool or a special character type
 RSignedIntegralDetermines if a type is a signed integral type, but not a bool or a special character type
 RUnsignedIntegralDetermines if a type is an integral type, but not a bool or a special character type
 RArithmeticDetermines if a type is an arithmetic type, but not a bool or a special character type
 RIeeeFloatingPointA concept describing an IEEE floating point
 RBoolDetermines if a type is a Boolean type
 RCharTypeDetermines if a type is a special character type
 RStringTypeDetermines if a type is a specialization of std::basic_string
 RStringViewTypeDetermines if a type is a specialization of std::basic_string_view
 RStringViewableDetermines if a type can be converted to a string view
 RStringViewConstructibleDetermines if a type can be constructed from a string view
 RSameAsDetermines if two types are the same, without taking into account qualifiers or references
 ROneOfDetermines if a type is one of a list of allowed types
 RSingletonA concept used for singleton classes
 RNullablePointerA concept for pointers that can be nulled
 RAllocatorA concept for pointers that can be nulled
 REqualityComparableWithExceptHelper concept for implementing equality comparison operators
 RThreeWayComparableWithExceptHelper concept for implementing three-way comparison operators
 RStdHashableThis concept checks whether a class has a proper specialization for std::hash
 RParameterPackTypeDetermines if a type is a specialization of ParameterPack
 NwindowsWindows functionality
 RRegistryValueA concept that describes C++ data types used for registry values