xentara-utils v2.0.4
The Xentara Utility Library
▼Nxentara | |
▼Nutils | |
▼Ncore | Core functionality |
RCountingIteratorType | Determines if a type is a specialization of CountingIterator |
RFlagEnum | A concept that represents an enum suitable as a flag |
▼Nio | Input/Output functionality |
RMemoryStreamStorageElement | Concept for storage elements for MemoryInputStream and MemoryOutputStream |
RStreamElement | Concept for stream elements |
▼Nmemory | Memory tools |
RMemoryElement | An element in a memory region |
RMemoryIterator | An iterator suitable for iterating over a memory region |
RMemoryRegion | A collection suitable as a memory region |
RVoidPointer | A concept that checks for void pointers |
▼Nnetwork | Networking functionality |
RSockaddrCompatible | A concept describing types that can be used as socket addresses |
▼Nstring | String utilities |
RSpecialStringType | A concept for determining whether a type is a special custom string type |
RCharacterType | A concept for character data |
▼Ntools | Tools and utilities |
RIntegral | Determines if a type is an integral type, but not a bool or a special character type |
RSignedIntegral | Determines if a type is a signed integral type, but not a bool or a special character type |
RUnsignedIntegral | Determines if a type is an integral type, but not a bool or a special character type |
RArithmetic | Determines if a type is an arithmetic type, but not a bool or a special character type |
RIeeeFloatingPoint | A concept describing an IEEE floating point |
RBool | Determines if a type is a Boolean type |
RCharType | Determines if a type is a special character type |
RStringType | Determines if a type is a specialization of std::basic_string |
RStringViewType | Determines if a type is a specialization of std::basic_string_view |
RStringViewable | Determines if a type can be converted to a string view |
RStringViewConstructible | Determines if a type can be constructed from a string view |
RSameAs | Determines if two types are the same, without taking into account qualifiers or references |
ROneOf | Determines if a type is one of a list of allowed types |
RSingleton | A concept used for singleton classes |
RNullablePointer | A concept for pointers that can be nulled |
RAllocator | A concept for pointers that can be nulled |
REqualityComparableWithExcept | Helper concept for implementing equality comparison operators |
RThreeWayComparableWithExcept | Helper concept for implementing three-way comparison operators |
RStdHashable | This concept checks whether a class has a proper specialization for std::hash |
RParameterPackType | Determines if a type is a specialization of ParameterPack |
▼Nwindows | Windows functionality |
RRegistryValue | A concept that describes C++ data types used for registry values |