Xentara WebSocket API Specification v2.0.3
User Manual
See also

Here is a complete table of all available error codes and their corresponding messages:

Sr. No. Error Description Error Code Default Error Message
1 Ok 0 no error
2 Parse Error -32700 payload not well formed
3 Internal Error -32603 internal server error
4 Invalid Parameter -32602 invalid parameter
5 Command Not Found -32601 command not found
6 Invalid Request -32600 invalid request
7 Missing Client Hello Request -32000 missing client hello request
8 Duplicate Client Hello Request -32001 duplicate client hello request
9 Unknown Element -32100 unknown element
10 Missing Attribute -32101 missing attribute
11 Access Denied -32102 access denied
12 Read Only -32103 value is read only
13 Write Only -32104 value is write only
14 Value Out Of Range -32105 value is out of range
15 Type Mismatch -32106 value cannot be converted to requested type
16 Illegal Value -32107 value supplied is not valid
17 Read Error -32108 read error
18 Write Error -32109 write error
19 Unknown Subscription Id -32110 unknown subscription Id
20 Unknown Session Id -32111 unknown session Id
21 Invalid Stage Change Request -32112 invalid stage change request