Xentara WebSocket API Specification v2.0.3
User Manual

The Xentara WebSocket interface offers subscription feature that provide continuous access to updated values. These capabilities allow the server to automatically send updates for subscribed values whenever those values change, offering an another alternative to the Read command.

Key Features of Subscriptions:

  • Automatic Updates: Subscribed clients receive updates from the server whenever the subscribed values are modified, reducing the need for repeated read requests.
  • Multi-Element and Multi-Attribute Support: Subscriptions can be set up for multiple Xentara elements and their associated attributes at the same time.

How to Manage Subscriptions:

To initiate subscriptions, clients need to send requests according to the guidelines specified in the Subscribe and Unsubscribe commands as described in the WebSocket API Specification. Each subscription is identified by a unique UUID, which acts as the subscription ID, allowing for effective tracking and management of subscriptions.

Configuring Subscription Update Rates:

Subscriptions can be tailored with rate limits to define both minimum and maximum rates for updates. This feature ensures that subscribers receive updates as needed while minimizing unnecessary data transmission and optimizing system resources.

  • Rate Limits: Set the frequency of updates, allowing control over how often data is pushed to subscribers.
  • Concurrent Subscriptions: Multiple subscriptions can target the same attribute of a Xentara element. The system dynamically adjusts the update rates to efficiently manage all active subscriptions.

These subscription features are designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of data delivery in Xentara, providing a scalable and flexible method for accessing updated values.