The Xentara Clarify Client v1.2
User Manual


Integration publishes some attributes to report its current state including the latest general error as well as the latest OAuth 2.0 access token retreival error, a timestamp showing the last time that a packet was lost and the roundtrip time of the latest http request. Attribute values can be accessed through their primary key. For example to accessing the latest error of an Integration with ID of "Integration 1", the primary key would be "Integration 1.error".

Published Attributes

  • error: The latest error happend during the plugin operations is reported through this attribute. A list of potetial errors can be found here
  • oauth2Error: The latest error happend during OAuth 2.0 access token retrieval is reported though this attribute. A list of potetial errors can be found here
  • lastPacketLossTimestamp: The time of the last packet loss is reported through this attribute
  • roundtripTime: The latest http request round trip time can be obtained by reading this attribute


The above mentioned attributes are also published by all Integration's Datasets and regardless of which entity they are published by, their value would be the same.