Xentara v1.2.1
User Manual
No Matches
The Model Tree

Table of Contents

All Xentara elements, like data points, I/O components, and microservices are organized in a tree structure. At the root of the tree structure is an anonymous root node that represents the model. Each element in the tree (except the anonymous root node) has an ID.

The ID can be an arbitrary text containing any printable Unicode characters except for a period. The ID is not limited to English, nor is it limited to letters or numbers. It can contain punctuation marks (except periods), characters with diacritics, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese letters, or letters from any other alphabet. IDs can also contain spaces, but not tabs, or newlines, or any other control characters.

A period is normally not allowed because it is used to form the primary key of the element. If you need to use a period in an ID, enclose it in square brackets ([]).

Here is an example of what a simple model might look like:

The model tree is loaded from a model file.

Primary Keys

Each of the elements has a primary key that is formed by joining its ID with that of all its parent nodes (except the anonymous root node) using periods. The elements in this example would have the following primary keys:

  • Shop
    • Shop.PLC
      • Shop.PLC.Temp
      • Shop.PLC.RPM
      • Shop.PLC.Volt
      • Shop.PLC.Alarm
    • Shop.Stop
    • Shop.AI
    • Shop.Loop
  • Building
    • Building.Rack
      • Building.Rack.DAQ
        • Building.Rack.DAQ.AI 1
        • Building.Rack.DAQ.AI 2
        • Building.Rack.DAQ.Status
    • Building.Poll
    • Building.Office
      • Building.Office.A/C
      • Building.Office.Fire
  • Maintenance
    • Maintenance.Temp
    • Maintenance.Humid
    • Maintenance.Check

Each element also has a UUID to uniquely identify it even if the model hierarchy is modified.