The Xentara KEB Service v1.0
User Manual
JSON Format for KEB service

A JSON object describing a KEB Service has following syntax:

"@Skill.KEB.Service": {
"name": "KEB",
"UUID": "fede1623-0880-4826-9ae3-0adb996e137d",
"address": "",
"serviceName": "KEBXentaraService",
"roots": [

Object Members
nameA string value containing the ID of the service. The ID is used to construct the server`s primary key.
UUIDA string value containing the unique UUID of the service.
addressA string value containing the address of the Redis server.
serviceNameA string value containing the name of the service which is used by the KEB system. This name is used as the prefix for channels in the database.

A list of the primary keys of the Xentara Data Points that should be registered in the KEB system.

Please remember that each element block requires two layers of {} due to the syntax restrictions of the JSON format.