The Xentara OPC UA Client v1.3
User Manual
Model File Format
See also
The Xentara Model File in the Xentara user manual

A JSON object describing OPC UA Client has the following syntax:

"id": "Server",
"uuid": "e34e4bcb-cfe1-434a-b37f-13e232aa3649",
"endpointUrl": "opc.tcp://opc-client:50000",
"children": [
"@Skill.OPCUAClient.Node": {
"id": "SlowUInt1",
"uuid": "c44779bb-0ce0-46dd-8e35-03271c5451ec",
"nodeId": "ns=2;s=Temperature",
"dataType": "UInt32"

Object Members
idA string value containing the ID of the OPC UA client. The ID is used to construct the client’s primary key.
UUIDA string value containing the unique UUID of the OPC UA client.
ACLAn optional JSON object containing the element ACL of the OPC UA client. The format of the block is described here.
endpointUrlA string value containing the URL to the the OPC UA Server.
userNameA username for the server (optional)
passwordA password for the server (optional)
childrenA JSON Array of OPC UA Nodes at the server, to which the client subscribes.
idA string value containing the ID of the OPC UA node. The ID is used to construct the node’s primary key.
UUIDA string value containing the unique UUID of the OPC UA node.
ACLAn optional JSON object containing the element ACL of the OPC UA node. The format of the block is described here.

OPC UAs internal namespace index and identifier type in format:



One of the OPC UA numerical Datatypes

Sbyte, Byte, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, Int64, Uint64, Float, Double