xentara-plugin v2.0.4
The Xentara Plugin Framework
Loading and an element is done in three steps:
An element can publish some or all of its configuration parameters as Xentara attributes, which can then be read by other entities, or by client applications. Xentara itself automatically publishes the name, the primary key, and the UUID of each element.
If you which to publish additional configuration parameters, you must do the following two things:
Unlike data attributes, configuration attributes do not have to be stored in a memory resource. Instead, you should obtain a shared or weak pointer to the configuration attribute and construct the read handle using [ReadHandle(const std::shared_ptr<Type> &)] (xentara::data::ReadHandle::ReadHandle(const std::shared_ptr<Type> &)) or [ReadHandle(const std::weak_ptr<Type> &)] (xentara::data::ReadHandle::ReadHandle(const std::weak_ptr<Type> &)). You can obtain a shared pointer to a member variable of your element by deriving the element from xentara::skill::EnableSharedFromThis and then using sharedFromThis(Alias *alias).
Xentara elements can reference other elements, or attributes, events, or tasks of other elements. During the loading process, however, the referenced elements might not be available yet, since they might only appear later in the configuration file. For this reason, references to Xentara elements and their members must be resolved lazily, once the entire configuration has been loaded. To simplify this, the context passed to load() has a number of member functions resolve(), that allow you to submit requests for resolving cross references. Xentara will store these requests in the context object, and resolve them once all the elements and their primary keys are known.
You can use the context to resolve the following types of objects:
The objects will be available from the realize() loading step onwards.
There are three main strategies for handling the reference once it is resolved:
You can just store it in an std::weak_ptr, std::reference_wrapper, xentara::model::ElementAttribute, or xentara::process::ExtendedEvent. To accoplish this, simply pass a reference to the variable that will store the object reference to xentara::config::Context::resolve. if you have a member variable *_transaction* of type std::weak_ptr<MyTransaction>, for example, you can write:
You can call a member function of the referring object. To accomplish this, use a lambda:
You can call a member function of the referred-to object. To accomplish this, you can also use a lambda:
sharedFromThis() is enabled by deriving from xentara::skill::EnableSharedFromThis. if MyTransaction::addDataPoint() takes a reference instead of an std::shared_ptr, you can of course just write transaction.addDataPoint(*this);
You should check each configuration parameter for errors. After you have loaded all configuration parameters, you should check the configuration for completeness and consistency. If you encounter any errors, you should throw an exception of type std::runtime_error. Use the function xentara::utils::json::decoder::throwWithLocation() to throw the error, so that the error message will contain the line number in within the JSON file:
On error, this will print something like:
FATAL ERROR: /home/xentara/.config/xentara/model.json (line 1415): size must be greater than 0
Example for a class that loads an I/O component:
Example for a class that publishes some config attributes of an I/O component: