xentara-utils v2.0.4
The Xentara Utility Library
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xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element > Class Template Referencefinal

A stream that reads data from memory. More...

#include <xentara/utils/io/MemoryInputStream.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element >:

Public Member Functions

template<memory::MemoryIterator< Element > Iterator>
 MemoryInputStream (Iterator begin, Iterator end)
 Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region defined by a pair of iterators.
template<memory::MemoryIterator< Element > Iterator>
 MemoryInputStream (Iterator begin, std::iter_difference_t< Iterator > size)
 Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region defined by an iterator and a size.
template<memory::VoidPointer Pointer>
 MemoryInputStream (Pointer begin, Pointer end)
 Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region defined by a pair of void pointers.
template<memory::VoidPointer Pointer>
 MemoryInputStream (Pointer begin, std::size_t size)
 Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region defined by a void pointer and a size.
template<memory::MemoryRegion< Element > Region>
 MemoryInputStream (const Region &region)
 Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region.
Accessing the Read Position as a pointer
auto rawReadPosition () const -> const Element *
 Gets the current read position as a pointer.
auto setRawReadPosition (const Element *rawPosition) -> void
 Sets the current read position within the device.
- Public Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::InputStream< Element >
virtual ~InputStream () noexcept(false)=0
 Virtual, throwing destructor.
auto readElement () -> Element
 Read a single element from the stream.
auto tryReadElement () -> std::optional< Element >
 Tries to read a single element from a stream.
template<Element kNoMoreData>
auto readElementOr () -> Element
 Tries to read a single element from a stream.
auto peek () -> Element
 Look at the next element in the stream without actually reading it.
auto tryPeek () -> std::optional< Element >
 Look at the next element in the stream without actually reading it.
template<Element kNoMoreData>
auto peekOr () -> Element
 Look at the next element in the stream without actually reading it.
auto readFromBuffer (std::size_t maxSize) -> std::span< const Element >
 Reads data from the buffer only.
auto eof () -> bool
 Checks if the end of the stream has been reached.
template<Element... kAllowedElements>
auto readElementIf () -> std::optional< Element >
 Read an element from the stream if it is one of a list of allowed elements.
template<std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
auto readElementIf (Predicate predicate) -> std::optional< Element >
 Read an element from the stream if it fits a predicate.
template<Element kFallback, Element... kAllowedElements>
auto readElementIfOr () -> Element
 Read an element from the stream if it is one of a list of allowed elements.
template<Element kFallback, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
auto readElementIfOr (Predicate predicate) -> Element
 Read an element from the stream if it fits a predicate.
template<tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto read (typename std::allocator_traits< Allocator >::size_type size, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> core::RawVector< Element, Allocator >
 Read a block of data of a specific size.
template<typename CharTraits = std::char_traits<Element>, tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto read (typename std::allocator_traits< Allocator >::size_type size, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Read a block of text of a specific size.
template<std::size_t kArraySize>
auto read (Element(&array)[kArraySize]) -> void
 Read a block of data into an array.
template<std::size_t kArraySize>
auto read (std::array< Element, kArraySize > &array) -> void
 Read a block of data into an array.
template<std::contiguous_iterator Iterator, std::sized_sentinel_for< Iterator > Sentinel>
requires std::same_as<std::remove_volatile_t<std::iter_value_t<Iterator>>, Element>
auto read (Iterator first, Sentinel last) -> void
 Read a block of data into an iterator range.
auto read (Element *buffer, std::size_t size) -> void
 Read a block of data into a buffer.
template<Element... kTerminations>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readUntil () -> core::RawVector< Element >
 Reads all elements until a termination is found.
template<tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator, Element... kTerminations>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readUntil (const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> core::RawVector< Element, Allocator >
 Reads all elements until a termination is found.
template<tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readUntil (Predicate predicate, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> core::RawVector< Element, Allocator >
 Skips all elements until a termination element that fits a predicate.
template<Element... kTerminations>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readUntil () -> std::basic_string< Element >
 Reads all characters until a termination is found.
template<typename CharTraits , Element... kTerminations>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readUntil () -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits >
 Reads all characters until a termination is found.
template<typename CharTraits , tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator, Element... kTerminations>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readUntil (const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Reads all characters until a termination is found.
template<typename CharTraits = std::char_traits<Element>, tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readUntil (Predicate predicate, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Skips all characters until a termination character that fits a predicate.
auto skipElement () -> void
 Skips a single element from the stream.
auto trySkipElement () -> bool
 Tries to skip a single element from a stream.
auto skip (std::size_t size) -> void
 Skips a block of data.
template<Element... kSkippableElements>
auto skipWhile () -> std::size_t
 Skips all elements than appear in a list of skippable elements.
template<std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
auto skipWhile (Predicate predicate) -> std::size_t
 Skips all elements that fit a predicate.
auto readPosition () const -> std::optional< ReadPosition >
 Gets the current read position within the stream.
auto setReadPosition (ReadPosition position) -> void
 Sets the current read position within the device.
auto rewind () -> void
 Sets the current read position to the beginning of the stream.
template<typename CharTraits = std::char_traits<Element>, tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readLine (const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Reads a single line.
auto skipLine () -> std::size_t
 Skips the rest of the line.
template<typename CharTraits = std::char_traits<Element>, tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readWord (const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Reads a single whitespace-separated word.
auto skipWord () -> std::size_t
 Skips the rest of a whitespace-separated word.
auto skipLineEnding () -> bool
 Skips a single line termination.
auto skipWhitespace () -> bool
 Skips all ASCII whitespace elements.
auto readByte () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElement()
auto tryReadByte () -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for tryReadElement()
template<Element kNoMoreData>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteOr () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementOr()
template<Element... kAllowedElements>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteIf () -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for readElementIf()
template<std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteIf (Predicate predicate) -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for readElementIf().
template<Element kFallback, Element... kAllowedElements>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteIfOr () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementIfOr()
template<Element kFallback, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteIfOr (Predicate predicate) -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementIfOr().
auto skipByte () -> void
 Alternate name for skipElement()
auto trySkipByte () -> bool
 Alternate name for trySkipElement() for character streams.
auto readChar () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElement()
auto tryReadChar () -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for tryReadElement()
template<Element kNoMoreData>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharOr () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementOr()
template<Element... kAllowedElements>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharIf () -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for readElementIf()
template<std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharIf (Predicate predicate) -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for readElementIf().
template<Element kFallback, Element... kAllowedElements>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharIfOr () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementIfOr()
template<Element kFallback, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharIfOr (Predicate predicate) -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementIfOr().
auto skipChar () -> void
 Alternate name for skipElement()
auto trySkipChar () -> bool
 Alternate name for trySkipElement() for character streams.
auto waitForData () -> void
 Waits for more read data to become available.
auto waitForData (std::optional< std::chrono::nanoseconds > timeout) -> bool
 Waits for more read data to become available within a certain time.
- Public Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::StreamBase
virtual ~StreamBase () noexcept(false)=0
 Virtual, throwing destructor.
auto streamDescription () const -> std::string
 Get a description of the device.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from xentara::utils::io::InputStream< Element >
using element_type = Element
 The element type.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::InputStream< Element >
 InputStream () noexcept=default
 Default constructor.
 InputStream (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd) noexcept
 Constructor that sets an initially empty buffer.
 InputStream (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd, Element *dataBegin, Element *dataEnd) noexcept
 Constructor that sets a buffer that possibly already contains some data.
 InputStream (InputStream &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor.
auto operator= (InputStream &&rhs) noexcept -> InputStream &
 Move assignemnt operator.
auto setReadBuffer (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd) noexcept -> void
 Sets a new empty buffer.
auto setReadBuffer (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd, Element *dataBegin, Element *dataEnd) noexcept -> void
 Sets the buffer.
auto setReadData (Element *dataBegin, Element *dataEnd) noexcept -> void
 Sets the position of the data within the buffer.
auto readBufferBegin () const -> Element *
 Reads back the buffer start position.
auto readBufferEnd () const -> Element *
 Reads back the buffer end position.
auto readBufferSize () const -> std::size_t
 Gets the buffer size.
auto readDataBegin () const -> Element *
 Returns the beginning of the unconsumed data in the buffer.
auto readDataEnd () const -> Element *
 Returns the end of the data in the buffer.
auto readDataSize () const -> std::size_t
 Returns the size of the unconsumed data in the buffer.
virtual auto doReplenishReadBuffer (bool waitForData) -> bool
 Called by the framework to place more data into the buffer when it is exhausted.
virtual auto doRead (Element *buffer, std::size_t size, bool waitForData) -> std::optional< std::size_t >=0
 Called by the framework to read data into a memory buffer.
virtual auto doThrowEndOfStreamError () const -> void
 Called by the framework to throw an error denoting the end of the stream.
virtual auto doWaitForData (std::optional< std::chrono::nanoseconds > timeout) -> bool
 Called by the framework to wait for more data to become available.
virtual auto doGetReadPosition () const -> std::optional< std::size_t >
 Called by the framework to get the current read position within the device.
virtual auto doSetReadPosition (std::size_t position) -> bool
 Called by the framework to set the current read position within the device.
virtual auto doAdvanceReadPosition (std::size_t offset) -> std::optional< std::size_t >
 Advances the current read position within the device.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::StreamBase
virtual auto doGetStreamDescription () const -> std::string=0
 Called by the framework to get a description of the stream.

Detailed Description

template<StreamElement Element>
class xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element >

A stream that reads data from memory.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MemoryInputStream() [1/5]

template<StreamElement Element>
template<memory::MemoryIterator< Element > Iterator>
xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element >::MemoryInputStream ( Iterator  begin,
Iterator  end 

Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region defined by a pair of iterators.

beginAn iterator that points at the beginning of the memory region
endAn iterator that points at the end of the memory region

◆ MemoryInputStream() [2/5]

template<StreamElement Element>
template<memory::MemoryIterator< Element > Iterator>
xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element >::MemoryInputStream ( Iterator  begin,
std::iter_difference_t< Iterator size 

Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region defined by an iterator and a size.

beginAn iterator that points at the beginning of the memory region
sizeThe size of the memory region

◆ MemoryInputStream() [3/5]

template<StreamElement Element>
template<memory::VoidPointer Pointer>
xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element >::MemoryInputStream ( Pointer  begin,
Pointer  end 

Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region defined by a pair of void pointers.

The memory must be properly aligned to hold elements of type Element.
beginAn iterator that points at the beginning of the memory region
endAn iterator that points at the end of the memory region

◆ MemoryInputStream() [4/5]

template<StreamElement Element>
template<memory::VoidPointer Pointer>
xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element >::MemoryInputStream ( Pointer  begin,
std::size_t  size 

Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region defined by a void pointer and a size.

The memory must be properly aligned to hold elements of type Element.
beginAn iterator that points at the beginning of the memory region
sizeThe size of the memory region, in bytes

◆ MemoryInputStream() [5/5]

template<StreamElement Element>
template<memory::MemoryRegion< Element > Region>
xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element >::MemoryInputStream ( const Region &  region)

Constructs a stream that reads from a memory region.

regionThe memory region

Member Function Documentation

◆ rawReadPosition()

template<StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element >::rawReadPosition ( ) const -> const Element *

Gets the current read position as a pointer.

A pointer to the next element that will be read, or a pointer to the position past the end of the data if all data has already been read.

◆ setRawReadPosition()

template<StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::io::MemoryInputStream< Element >::setRawReadPosition ( const Element *  rawPosition) -> void

Sets the current read position within the device.

rawPositionThe desired position. This must be pointer to a valid element within the data, or a pointer to the position past the end of the data to mark the stream as exhausted.