xentara-utils v2.0.4
The Xentara Utility Library
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xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element > Class Template Reference

A stream socket that implements io::InputStream and io::OutputStream. More...

#include <xentara/utils/network/SocketStream.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >:

Public Member Functions

 SocketStream () noexcept=default
 Default constructor.
 SocketStream (std::reference_wrapper< const io::StopSource > stopSource) noexcept
 Constructor that associates a stop source with the socket.
 SocketStream (SocketDevice &&device)
 Constructor from a socket device.
template<tools::OneOf< WithStopSource >... Options>
 SocketStream (Socket &&socket, Options... options)
 Constructor from a generic socket object.
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, WithStopSource >... Options>
 SocketStream (int addressFamily, Options... options)
 Constructor that creates a stream socket.
template<tools::OneOf< WithStopSource >... Options>
 SocketStream (posix::File socketFileDescriptor, Options... options)
 Creates a socket object from a Posix file descriptor.
template<tools::OneOf< WithStopSource >... Options>
 SocketStream (windows::Socket socket, Options... options)
 Creates a socket object from a native Windows socket.
 ~SocketStream () noexcept=default
 Noexcept Destructor.
internal auto operator= (SocketDevice &&device) -> SocketStream &
 Assignment operator from a socket device.
auto operator= (Socket &&socket) -> SocketStream &
 Assignment operator for a generic socket object.
auto operator= (posix::File socketFileDescriptor) -> SocketStream &
 Assignment operator for a Posix file descriptor.
auto operator= (windows::Socket socket) -> SocketStream &
 Assignment operator for a native Windows socket.
 operator bool () const noexcept
 Checks whether the object contains a valid socket.
auto addressFamily () const noexcept -> int
 Gets the address family of the socket, also called the socket domain.
auto protocol () const noexcept -> int
 Gets the protocol of the socket.
auto setReadTimeout (std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout) noexcept
 Sets the read timeout.
auto setWriteTimeout (std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout) noexcept
 Sets the write timeout.
auto setTimeout (std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout) noexcept
 Sets the read and write timeout to the same value.
template<typename Value >
auto option (int level, int optionName) const -> Value
 Gets a socket option.
template<typename Value >
auto setOption (int level, int optionName, const Value &value) -> void
 Sets a socket option.
template<typename Value >
auto getOption (int level, int optionName, std::nothrow_t) const noexcept -> xentara::utils::eh::expected< Value, std::error_code >
 Gets a socket option.
template<typename Value >
auto setOption (int level, int optionName, const Value &value, std::nothrow_t) noexcept -> std::error_code
 Sets a socket option without throwing exceptions.
auto connect (const Address &address) -> void
 Connects to an address.
auto connect (const Address &address, std::optional< std::chrono::nanoseconds > timeout) -> bool
 Connects to an address with optional timeout.
auto bind (PortNumber portNumber) -> void
 Binds the socket to a port number on all local interfaces.
auto bind (const Address &address) -> void
 Binds the socket to a specific address.
auto localAddress () const -> Address
 Gets the local address of a bound or connected socket.
auto remoteAddress () const -> Address
 Gets the address that the socket is connected to.
auto shutdown (Socket::Direction directions=Socket::Direction::ReadWrite) -> void
 Shuts down the socket.
auto close () noexcept -> void
 Closes the socket, if one is open.
auto socket () const &noexcept -> const Socket &
 Gets the socket as a generic socket.
auto native () const noexcept -> int
 Gets the underlying Posix file descriptor for the socket.
auto native () const noexcept -> SOCKET
 Gets the underlying Windows Sockets 2 SOCKET.
- Public Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::AbstractBufferedInputStream< Element >
 AbstractBufferedInputStream ()=default
 Default constructor Creates a stream without a buffer.
- Public Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::InputStream< Element >
virtual ~InputStream () noexcept(false)=0
 Virtual, throwing destructor.
auto readElement () -> Element
 Read a single element from the stream.
auto tryReadElement () -> std::optional< Element >
 Tries to read a single element from a stream.
template<Element kNoMoreData>
auto readElementOr () -> Element
 Tries to read a single element from a stream.
auto peek () -> Element
 Look at the next element in the stream without actually reading it.
auto tryPeek () -> std::optional< Element >
 Look at the next element in the stream without actually reading it.
template<Element kNoMoreData>
auto peekOr () -> Element
 Look at the next element in the stream without actually reading it.
auto readFromBuffer (std::size_t maxSize) -> std::span< const Element >
 Reads data from the buffer only.
auto eof () -> bool
 Checks if the end of the stream has been reached.
template<Element... kAllowedElements>
auto readElementIf () -> std::optional< Element >
 Read an element from the stream if it is one of a list of allowed elements.
template<std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
auto readElementIf (Predicate predicate) -> std::optional< Element >
 Read an element from the stream if it fits a predicate.
template<Element kFallback, Element... kAllowedElements>
auto readElementIfOr () -> Element
 Read an element from the stream if it is one of a list of allowed elements.
template<Element kFallback, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
auto readElementIfOr (Predicate predicate) -> Element
 Read an element from the stream if it fits a predicate.
template<tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto read (typename std::allocator_traits< Allocator >::size_type size, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> core::RawVector< Element, Allocator >
 Read a block of data of a specific size.
template<typename CharTraits = std::char_traits<Element>, tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto read (typename std::allocator_traits< Allocator >::size_type size, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Read a block of text of a specific size.
template<std::size_t kArraySize>
auto read (Element(&array)[kArraySize]) -> void
 Read a block of data into an array.
template<std::size_t kArraySize>
auto read (std::array< Element, kArraySize > &array) -> void
 Read a block of data into an array.
template<std::contiguous_iterator Iterator, std::sized_sentinel_for< Iterator > Sentinel>
requires std::same_as<std::remove_volatile_t<std::iter_value_t<Iterator>>, Element>
auto read (Iterator first, Sentinel last) -> void
 Read a block of data into an iterator range.
auto read (Element *buffer, std::size_t size) -> void
 Read a block of data into a buffer.
template<Element... kTerminations>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readUntil () -> core::RawVector< Element >
 Reads all elements until a termination is found.
template<tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator, Element... kTerminations>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readUntil (const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> core::RawVector< Element, Allocator >
 Reads all elements until a termination is found.
template<tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readUntil (Predicate predicate, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> core::RawVector< Element, Allocator >
 Skips all elements until a termination element that fits a predicate.
template<Element... kTerminations>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readUntil () -> std::basic_string< Element >
 Reads all characters until a termination is found.
template<typename CharTraits , Element... kTerminations>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readUntil () -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits >
 Reads all characters until a termination is found.
template<typename CharTraits , tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator, Element... kTerminations>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readUntil (const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Reads all characters until a termination is found.
template<typename CharTraits = std::char_traits<Element>, tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readUntil (Predicate predicate, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Skips all characters until a termination character that fits a predicate.
auto skipElement () -> void
 Skips a single element from the stream.
auto trySkipElement () -> bool
 Tries to skip a single element from a stream.
auto skip (std::size_t size) -> void
 Skips a block of data.
template<Element... kSkippableElements>
auto skipWhile () -> std::size_t
 Skips all elements than appear in a list of skippable elements.
template<std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
auto skipWhile (Predicate predicate) -> std::size_t
 Skips all elements that fit a predicate.
auto readPosition () const -> std::optional< ReadPosition >
 Gets the current read position within the stream.
auto setReadPosition (ReadPosition position) -> void
 Sets the current read position within the device.
auto rewind () -> void
 Sets the current read position to the beginning of the stream.
template<typename CharTraits = std::char_traits<Element>, tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readLine (const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Reads a single line.
auto skipLine () -> std::size_t
 Skips the rest of the line.
template<typename CharTraits = std::char_traits<Element>, tools::Allocator< Element > Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readWord (const Allocator &allocator=Allocator()) -> std::basic_string< Element, CharTraits, Allocator >
 Reads a single whitespace-separated word.
auto skipWord () -> std::size_t
 Skips the rest of a whitespace-separated word.
auto skipLineEnding () -> bool
 Skips a single line termination.
auto skipWhitespace () -> bool
 Skips all ASCII whitespace elements.
auto readByte () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElement()
auto tryReadByte () -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for tryReadElement()
template<Element kNoMoreData>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteOr () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementOr()
template<Element... kAllowedElements>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteIf () -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for readElementIf()
template<std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteIf (Predicate predicate) -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for readElementIf().
template<Element kFallback, Element... kAllowedElements>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteIfOr () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementIfOr()
template<Element kFallback, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires (!tools::CharType<Element>)
auto readByteIfOr (Predicate predicate) -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementIfOr().
auto skipByte () -> void
 Alternate name for skipElement()
auto trySkipByte () -> bool
 Alternate name for trySkipElement() for character streams.
auto readChar () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElement()
auto tryReadChar () -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for tryReadElement()
template<Element kNoMoreData>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharOr () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementOr()
template<Element... kAllowedElements>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharIf () -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for readElementIf()
template<std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharIf (Predicate predicate) -> std::optional< Element >
 Alternate name for readElementIf().
template<Element kFallback, Element... kAllowedElements>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharIfOr () -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementIfOr()
template<Element kFallback, std::predicate< Element > Predicate>
requires tools::CharType<Element>
auto readCharIfOr (Predicate predicate) -> Element
 Alternate name for readElementIfOr().
auto skipChar () -> void
 Alternate name for skipElement()
auto trySkipChar () -> bool
 Alternate name for trySkipElement() for character streams.
auto waitForData () -> void
 Waits for more read data to become available.
auto waitForData (std::optional< std::chrono::nanoseconds > timeout) -> bool
 Waits for more read data to become available within a certain time.
- Public Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::StreamBase
virtual ~StreamBase () noexcept(false)=0
 Virtual, throwing destructor.
auto streamDescription () const -> std::string
 Get a description of the device.
- Public Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::AbstractBufferedOutputStream< Element >
 AbstractBufferedOutputStream ()=default
 Default constructor Creates a stream without a buffer.
- Public Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::OutputStream< Element >
virtual ~OutputStream () noexcept(false)=0
 Virtual, throwing destructor.
auto write (Element element) -> void
 Write a single element to the stream.
template<std::ranges::contiguous_range Data>
requires std::same_as<std::remove_cv_t<std::ranges::range_value_t<Data>>, Element>
auto write (const Data &data) -> void
 Write a block of data.
template<std::size_t kDataSize>
auto write (const Element(&data)[kDataSize]) -> void
 Write a block of data contained in an array.
template<std::contiguous_iterator Iterator, std::sized_sentinel_for< Iterator > Sentinel>
requires std::same_as<std::remove_cv_t<std::iter_value_t<Iterator>>, Element>
auto write (Iterator first, Sentinel last) -> void
 Write a block of data contained in an iterator range.
auto write (const Element *data, std::size_t size) -> void
 Write a block of data contained in a region of memory.
auto write (const Element *nullTerminatedString) -> void
 Write a NULL-teminated string.
auto flush () -> void
 Flushes the buffer.

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr auto defaultTimeout () noexcept -> std::chrono::nanoseconds
 Gets the default timeout used if you do not specifiy a timeout.
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, WithStopSource >... Options>
static auto compatibleSocket (const Address &address, Options... options) -> SocketStream
 Creates a socket that is compatible with an address.
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, Timeout, WithStopSource >... Options>
static auto connectedSocket (const Address &address, Options... options) -> SocketStream
 Creates a socket that is connected to an address.
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, Timeout, WithStopSource >... Options>
static auto connectedSocket (const std::vector< Address > &addresses, Options... options) -> SocketStream
 Creates a socket that is connected to the first available address in a list.
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, DefaultPort, WithPort, AddressFamily, Timeout, WithStopSource >... Options>
static auto connectedSocket (std::string_view hostName, Options... options) -> SocketStream
 Creates a socket that is connected to a named host.

Protected Member Functions

auto doGetStreamDescription () const -> std::string final
 Implementation of InputStream::doGetStreamDescription()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::AbstractDeviceInputStream< Element >
virtual auto inputDevice () noexcept -> InputDevice &=0
 Called by the framework to get the device.
auto doRead (Element *buffer, std::size_t size, bool waitForData) -> std::optional< std::size_t > final
 Implementation of InputStream::doRead()
virtual auto doThrowEndOfStreamError () const -> void final
 Implementation of InputStream::doRead()
auto doWaitForData (std::optional< std::chrono::nanoseconds > timeout) -> bool final
 Implementation of InputStream::doWaitForData()
auto doGetReadPosition () const -> std::optional< std::size_t > final
 Implementation of InputStream::doGetReadPosition()
auto doSetReadPosition (std::size_t position) -> bool final
 Implementation of InputStream::doSetReadPosition()
auto doAdvanceReadPosition (std::size_t offset) -> std::optional< std::size_t > final
 Implementation of InputStream::doAdvanceReadPosition()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::AbstractBufferedInputStream< Element >
auto resetInputBuffer (std::size_t bufferSizeHint=kDefaultBufferSize) -> void
 Resets the buffer.
auto destroyInputBuffer () -> void
 Destroys the buffer.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::InputStream< Element >
 InputStream () noexcept=default
 Default constructor.
 InputStream (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd) noexcept
 Constructor that sets an initially empty buffer.
 InputStream (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd, Element *dataBegin, Element *dataEnd) noexcept
 Constructor that sets a buffer that possibly already contains some data.
 InputStream (InputStream &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor.
auto operator= (InputStream &&rhs) noexcept -> InputStream &
 Move assignemnt operator.
auto setReadBuffer (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd) noexcept -> void
 Sets a new empty buffer.
auto setReadBuffer (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd, Element *dataBegin, Element *dataEnd) noexcept -> void
 Sets the buffer.
auto setReadData (Element *dataBegin, Element *dataEnd) noexcept -> void
 Sets the position of the data within the buffer.
auto readBufferBegin () const -> Element *
 Reads back the buffer start position.
auto readBufferEnd () const -> Element *
 Reads back the buffer end position.
auto readBufferSize () const -> std::size_t
 Gets the buffer size.
auto readDataBegin () const -> Element *
 Returns the beginning of the unconsumed data in the buffer.
auto readDataEnd () const -> Element *
 Returns the end of the data in the buffer.
auto readDataSize () const -> std::size_t
 Returns the size of the unconsumed data in the buffer.
virtual auto doReplenishReadBuffer (bool waitForData) -> bool
 Called by the framework to place more data into the buffer when it is exhausted.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::AbstractDeviceOutputStream< Element >
virtual auto outputDevice () noexcept -> OutputDevice &=0
 Called by the framework to get the device.
auto doWrite (const Element *data, std::size_t size) -> std::size_t final
 Implementation of InputStream::doWrite()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::AbstractBufferedOutputStream< Element >
auto resetOutputBuffer (std::size_t bufferSizeHint=kDefaultBufferSize) -> void
 Resets the buffer.
auto destroyOutputBuffer () -> void
 Destroys the buffer.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from xentara::utils::io::OutputStream< Element >
 OutputStream () noexcept=default
 Default constructor.
 OutputStream (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd) noexcept
 Constructor that sets an initially empty buffer.
 OutputStream (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd, Element *dataEnd) noexcept
 Constructor that sets a buffer that possibly already contains some data.
 OutputStream (OutputStream &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor.
auto operator= (OutputStream &&rhs) noexcept -> OutputStream &
 Move assignemnt operator.
auto setWriteBuffer (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd) noexcept -> void
 Sets a new empty buffer.
auto setWriteBuffer (Element *bufferBegin, Element *bufferEnd, Element *dataEnd) noexcept -> void
 Sets the buffer.
auto setWriteDataEnd (Element *dataEnd) noexcept -> void
 Sets the end of the data within the buffer.
auto writeBufferBegin () const -> Element *
 Writes back the buffer start position.
auto writeBufferEnd () const -> Element *
 Writes back the buffer end position.
auto writeBufferSize () const -> std::size_t
 Gets the buffer size.
auto writeDataBegin () const -> Element *
 Returns the beginning of data in the buffer.
auto writeDataEnd () const -> Element *
 Returns the end of the data in the buffer.
auto writeDataSize () const -> std::size_t
 Returns the size of the unwritten data in the buffer.
auto freeBufferBegin () const -> Element *
 Returns the beginning of the free region of the buffer.
auto freeBufferSize () const -> std::size_t
 Returns the size of the unwritten data in the buffer.
virtual auto doFlushWriteBuffer () -> void
 Called by the framework to write the buffered data to the underlying device once it is full.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from xentara::utils::io::InputStream< Element >
using element_type = Element
 The element type.
- Public Types inherited from xentara::utils::io::OutputStream< Element >
using element_type = Element
 The element type.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from xentara::utils::io::AbstractBufferedInputStream< Element >
static const std::size_t kDefaultBufferSize
 The default buffer size.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from xentara::utils::io::AbstractBufferedOutputStream< Element >
static const std::size_t kDefaultBufferSize
 The default buffer size.

Detailed Description

template<io::StreamElement Element>
requires (sizeof(Element) == sizeof(std::byte))
class xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >

A stream socket that implements io::InputStream and io::OutputStream.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SocketStream() [1/7]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::SocketStream ( )

Default constructor.

Creates an invalid socket object.

◆ SocketStream() [2/7]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::SocketStream ( std::reference_wrapper< const io::StopSource stopSource)

Constructor that associates a stop source with the socket.

Creates an invalid socket object.

The stop source will be overwritten if you assign a pipe returned by Socket::accept() to this object.
stopSourceThe stop source to associates with the socket

◆ SocketStream() [3/7]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::SocketStream ( SocketDevice &&  device)

Constructor from a socket device.

deviceThe socket device.

◆ SocketStream() [4/7]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<tools::OneOf< WithStopSource >... Options>
xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::SocketStream ( Socket &&  socket,
Options...  options 

Constructor from a generic socket object.

This constructor allows you to specify a number of options for the socket, described under Option Parameters below. Just pass the options in the options parameter pack. To create a TCP socket, for example, use the following call:
A stream socket that implements io::InputStream and io::OutputStream.
Definition SocketStream.hpp:26
auto socket() const &noexcept -> const Socket &
Gets the socket as a generic socket.
Definition SocketStream.hpp:415
Marker for protocols.
Definition Options.hpp:122
socketThe socket. This must be either a default-constructed socket, or a socket of type SOCK_STREAM.
optionsThe options for the socket. See Option Parameters below.
Option Parameters
xentara::utils::network::WithStopSource(stopSource)Specifies the stop source to associate with the socket. If you do not specify this option, no stop source will be used.

◆ SocketStream() [5/7]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, WithStopSource >... Options>
xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::SocketStream ( int  addressFamily,
Options...  options 

Constructor that creates a stream socket.

This constructor allows you to specify a number of options for the socket, described under Option Parameters below. Just pass the options in the options parameter pack. To create a TCP socket, for example, use the following call:
The original BSD socket specification distinguished between address families (AF_INET etc.) unsed for socket addresses and protocol families (PF_INET etc.) used for sockets. The man pages on FreeBSD, Darwin, and macOS consequently state that PF_XXX constants should be used when creating sockets, rather than AF_XXX constants. The POSIX socket standard, however, makes no mention of PF_XXX constants, and uses AF_XXX constants for both socket addresses and sockets. The documentation for Linux, WinSock, as well as OpenBSD and many other Unix flavours also use AF_XXX in both cases. We recommend using AF_XXX when creating sockets instead of PF_XXX so as to be POSIX compliant. This will also work on BSD style socket implementations, as the corresponding AF_XXX and PF_XXX defines are always the same.
addressFamilyThe address family, also called the socket domain. Can be any of the AF_XXX address family defines, like AF_INET or AF_INET6.
optionsThe options for the socket. See Option Parameters below.
Option Parameters
xentara::utils::network::Protocol(protocol)Specifies that the socket should use the protocol protocol. protocol can be any of the XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP or IPPROTO_SCTP. If you do not specify this option, or if you specify 0 for the protocol, then a suitable protocol will be selected based on the address family, if possible.
xentara::utils::network::WithStopSource(stopSource)Specifies the stop source to associate with the socket. If you do not specify this option, no stop source will be used.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred getting the option
std::invalid_argumentAn address family of AF_UNSPEC was specified

◆ SocketStream() [6/7]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<tools::OneOf< WithStopSource >... Options>
xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::SocketStream ( posix::File  socketFileDescriptor,
Options...  options 

Creates a socket object from a Posix file descriptor.

This constructor takes ownership of the socket.

This constructor allows you to specify a stop source for the socket using the option parameter, as described under Option Parameters below. Just pass the stop source using the option xentara::utils::network::WithStopSource:
Marker for using a stop source.
Definition Options.hpp:217
This constructor is not available under Windows.
socketFileDescriptorThe file descriptor of the new socket, or -1 to create a object that does not contain a socket. If socketFileDescriptor is not -1, it must be a socket of type SOCK_STREAM.
optionsThe options for the socket. See Option Parameters below.
Option Parameters
xentara::utils::network::WithStopSource(stopSource)Specifies the stop source to associate with the socket. If you do not specify this option, no stop source will be used.

◆ SocketStream() [7/7]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<tools::OneOf< WithStopSource >... Options>
xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::SocketStream ( windows::Socket  socket,
Options...  options 

Creates a socket object from a native Windows socket.

This constructor takes ownership of the socket.

This constructor allows you to specify a stop source for the socket using the option parameter, as described under Option Parameters below. Just pass the stop source using the option xentara::utils::network::WithStopSource:
This constructor is only available under Windows.
socketThe new socket, or INVALID_SOCKET to create a object that does not contain a socket. If socket is not INVALID_SOCKET, it must be of type SOCK_STREAM.
optionsThe options for the socket. See Option Parameters below.
Option Parameters
xentara::utils::network::WithStopSource(stopSource)Specifies the stop source to associate with the socket. If you do not specify this option, no stop source will be used.

◆ ~SocketStream()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::~SocketStream ( )

Noexcept Destructor.

This class's constructor never throws an exception

Member Function Documentation

◆ addressFamily()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::addressFamily ( ) const -> int

Gets the address family of the socket, also called the socket domain.

The address family. This will be one of the AF_XXX address family defines, like AF_INET or AF_INET6. For default constructed objects, or if the address family could not be determined, this function returns AF_UNSPEC.

◆ bind() [1/2]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::bind ( const Address address) -> void

Binds the socket to a specific address.

addressThe address to bind to. If you specify an address returned by Address::any(), then the socket will be bound to the relevant port on all local interfaces.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred binding the socket
std::invalid_argumentThe address is default constructed, or has an address family of AF_UNSPEC.

◆ bind() [2/2]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::bind ( PortNumber  portNumber) -> void

Binds the socket to a port number on all local interfaces.

portNumberThe port number to bind to, or 0 to allow the network stack to assign a port number. For protocols that do not use port numbers, the port should always be 0.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred binding the socket

◆ close()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::close ( ) -> void

Closes the socket, if one is open.

◆ compatibleSocket()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, WithStopSource >... Options>
static auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::compatibleSocket ( const Address address,
Options...  options 
) -> SocketStream

Creates a socket that is compatible with an address.

This function creates a socket that can be used to communicate with a certain address. The socket will not actually be bound or connected to the address, use bind() or connect() if you need to bind to or connect to the address.

This function allows you to specify a number of options for the socket, described under Option Parameters below. Just pass the options in the options parameter pack. To create a TCP socket, for example, use the following call:
static auto compatibleSocket(int socketType, const Address &address, Options... options) -> Socket
Creates a socket that is compatible with an address.
addressThe addresses that the socket will be used for.
optionsThe Options to use for the socket. See Option Parameters below.
Option Parameters
xentara::utils::network::Protocol(protocol)Specifies that the connection should be established using the protocol protocol. protocol can be any of the XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP. If you do not specify this option, or if you specify 0 for the protocol, then a suitable protocol will be selected based on the address family, if possible.
xentara::utils::network::WithStopSource(stopSource)Specifies the stop source to associate with the socket. If you do not specify this option, no stop source will be used.
A socket connected to the address
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred creating or connecting the socket for all of the given addresses
std::invalid_argumentThe address is default constructed, or has an address family of AF_UNSPEC.

◆ connect() [1/2]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::connect ( const Address address) -> void

Connects to an address.

addressThe address to connect to
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred connecting the socket
std::invalid_argumentThe address is default constructed, or has an address family of AF_UNSPEC.

◆ connect() [2/2]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::connect ( const Address address,
std::optional< std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout 
) -> bool

Connects to an address with optional timeout.

addressThe address to connect to
timeoutThe connection timeout, or std::nullopt for an infinite timeout.
Returns true if the connection was successfully established, or false on timeout. Please note that the socket will still have a pending connection if false is returned, so it has become essentially unusable.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred connecting the socket
std::invalid_argumentThe address is default constructed, or has an address family of AF_UNSPEC.

◆ connectedSocket() [1/3]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, Timeout, WithStopSource >... Options>
static auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::connectedSocket ( const Address address,
Options...  options 
) -> SocketStream

Creates a socket that is connected to an address.

This function allows you to specify a number of options for the socket, described under Option Parameters below. Just pass the options in the options parameter pack. To connect a to a list of addresses using the TCP protocol and a timeout of 5s, for example, use the following call:
static auto connectedSocket(const Address &address, Options... options) -> SocketStream
Creates a socket that is connected to an address.
Definition SocketStream.hpp:516
Marker for timeout value.
Definition Options.hpp:188
addressThe addresses to connect to.
optionsThe Options to use for the connection. See Option Parameters below.
Option Parameters
xentara::utils::network::Protocol(protocol)Specifies that the connection should be established using the protocol protocol. protocol can be any of the XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP. If you do not specify this option, or if you specify 0 for the protocol, then a suitable protocol will be selected based on the address family, if possible.
xentara::utils::network::Timeout(timeout)Specifies the timeout for the connect. If you do not specify this option, or if you specify std::nullopt for the timeout, an infinite timeout will be used.

Specifies the stop source to watch for stop requests. The stop source can be used to interrupt the wait, usually to shutdown and close the socket. If the stop source is triggered, the function will throw an exception of type io::StopRequested. If you do not specify this option, no stop source will be used.

The returned socket is automatically associated with the given stop source.

A socket connected to the given address. If you specified a timeout, and the connection could not be completed within in the given time, a default constructed socket is returned. You can use the operator bool() to check whether the returned socket is valid.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred creating or connecting the socket for all of the given addresses
std::invalid_argumentThe address is default constructed, or has an address family of AF_UNSPEC.

◆ connectedSocket() [2/3]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, Timeout, WithStopSource >... Options>
static auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::connectedSocket ( const std::vector< Address > &  addresses,
Options...  options 
) -> SocketStream

Creates a socket that is connected to the first available address in a list.

This function allows you to specify a number of options for the socket, described under Option Parameters below. Just pass the options in the options parameter pack. To connect a to a list of addresses using the TCP protocol and a timeout of 5s, for example, use the following call:
addressesThe addresses to try to connect to, in the order that they should be tried. Addresses that do not support stream sockets are ignored, as are default constructed addresses and addresses with address family AF_UNSPEC.
optionsThe Options to use for the connection. See Option Parameters below.
Option Parameters
xentara::utils::network::Protocol(protocol)Specifies that the connection should be established using the protocol protocol. protocol can be any of the XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP. If you do not specify this option, or if you specify 0 for the protocol, then a suitable protocol will be selected based on the address family, if possible.
xentara::utils::network::Timeout(timeout)Specifies the timeout for the connect. If you do not specify this option, or if you specify std::nullopt for the timeout, an infinite timeout will be used.

Specifies the stop source to watch for stop requests. The stop source can be used to interrupt the wait, usually to shutdown and close the socket. If the stop source is triggered, the function will throw an exception of type io::StopRequested. If you do not specify this option, no stop source will be used.

The returned socket is automatically associated with the given stop source.

A socket connected to the first address that accepted the connection. If you specified a timeout, and the connection could not be completed within in the given time, a default constructed socket is returned. You can use the operator bool() to check whether the returned socket is valid.
HostNotFoundErrorThe address list did not contain any suitable addresses.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred creating or connecting the socket for all of the given addresses

◆ connectedSocket() [3/3]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<tools::OneOf< Protocol, DefaultPort, WithPort, AddressFamily, Timeout, WithStopSource >... Options>
static auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::connectedSocket ( std::string_view  hostName,
Options...  options 
) -> SocketStream

Creates a socket that is connected to a named host.

Normally, hostName must contain a port number after the host name or address string. You can pass the options xentara::utils::network::DefaultPort or xentara::utils::network::WithPort in the options parameter pack to make the port number optional, or to specify a fixed port number. See Option Parameters below for a description of these options.

This function allows you to specify a number of options for the socket and the address lookup, described under Option Parameters below. Just pass the options in the options parameter pack. To connect to a host name with a default port of 8080 using a timeout of 5s, for example, use the following call:
Marker for host names/address strings with optional port number.
Definition Options.hpp:62
hostNameThe host name to connect to
optionsThe Options to use for the connection. See Option Parameters below.
Option Parameters
xentara::utils::network::Protocol(protocol)Specifies that the connection should be established using the protocol protocol. protocol can be any of the XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP. If you do not specify this option, or if you specify 0 for the protocol, then a suitable protocol will be selected based on the address family, if possible.
xentara::utils::network::DefaultPort(portNumber)Specifies that including port number in hostName is optional. If hostName does not contain a port number, portNumber will be used instead. Cannot be combined with xentara::utils::network::WithPort.
xentara::utils::network::WithPort(portNumber)Specifies that hostName must be a host name or address string, and may not contain a port number. The connection will be established on port number portNumber. This option Cannot be combined with xentara::utils::network::DefaultPort.
xentara::utils::network::AddressFamily(addressFamily)Specifies a that the connection may only be established using addresses with the address family addressFamily. addressFamily can be any of the AF_XXX address family defines, like AF_INET or AF_INET6. If you do not specify this option, or if you specify AF_UNSPEC for the address family, then addresses of any address family are tried. You should usually not use this option, to allow communication over both IPv4 and IPv6. Only use this option if you are planning to communicate with legacy software that does not support IPv6.
xentara::utils::network::Timeout(timeout)Specifies the timeout for the connect. If you do not specify this option, or if you specify std::nullopt for the timeout, an infinite timeout will be used.

Specifies the stop source to watch for stop requests. The stop source can be used to interrupt the wait, usually to shutdown and close the socket. If the stop source is triggered, the function will throw an exception of type io::StopRequested. If you do not specify this option, no stop source will be used.

The returned socket is automatically associated with the given stop source.

A socket connected to the host name. If you specified a timeout, and the connection could not be completed within in the given time, a default constructed socket is returned. You can use the operator bool() to check whether the returned socket is valid.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred creating or connecting the socket

◆ defaultTimeout()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
static constexpr auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::defaultTimeout ( ) -> std::chrono::nanoseconds

Gets the default timeout used if you do not specifiy a timeout.

The default timeout. The timeout is the default for both the read and the write timeouts.
See also

◆ doGetStreamDescription()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::doGetStreamDescription ( ) const -> std::string

Implementation of InputStream::doGetStreamDescription()

Reimplemented from xentara::utils::io::AbstractDeviceInputStream< Element >.

◆ getOption()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<typename Value >
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::getOption ( int  level,
int  optionName,
) const -> xentara::utils::eh::expected<Value, std::error_code>

Gets a socket option.

This function behaves the same as option(), but returns an error code on error instead of throwing an exception. Use this function if you want to do your own error handling, like throwing an exception with a more descriptive what() string.

Template Parameters
ValueThe type of the socket option's value. Each option requires a specific type of value. Refer to the documentation for the appropriate option for the supported types.
levelThe level at which the option resides. Must be SOL_SOCKET to get a socket level option, or one of the XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP, to get a protocol level options. Other socket levels may also be defined by the operating system.
optionNameThe name of the option. This is an option level specific integer that describes which option to set.
The value of the option, or an error code on error

◆ localAddress()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::localAddress ( ) const -> Address

Gets the local address of a bound or connected socket.

The local address of the socket.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred getting the socket address, or the socket is not bound and not connected.

◆ native() [1/2]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::native ( ) const -> int

Gets the underlying Posix file descriptor for the socket.

This function is not available under Windows.
The file descriptor, or -1 if no socket is open.

◆ native() [2/2]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::native ( ) const -> SOCKET

Gets the underlying Windows Sockets 2 SOCKET.

This function is only available under Windows.
The native socket, or INVALID_SOCKET if no socket is open.

◆ operator bool()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::operator bool ( ) const

Checks whether the object contains a valid socket.

Returns true if the object contains a valid socket, or false if the object is default constructed, has been released using release(), or moved away using std::move() etc.

◆ operator=() [1/4]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::operator= ( posix::File  socketFileDescriptor) -> SocketStream &

Assignment operator for a Posix file descriptor.

This constructor takes ownership of the socket.

socketFileDescriptorThe file descriptor of the new socket, or -1 to create a object that does not contain a socket. If socketFileDescriptor is not -1, it must be a socket of type SOCK_STREAM.
A reference to this object

◆ operator=() [2/4]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::operator= ( Socket &&  socket) -> SocketStream &

Assignment operator for a generic socket object.

socketThe socket. This must be either a default-constructed socket, or a socket of type SOCK_STREAM.
A reference to this object

◆ operator=() [3/4]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
internal auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::operator= ( SocketDevice &&  device) -> SocketStream &

Assignment operator from a socket device.

deviceThe socket device.
A reference to this object

◆ operator=() [4/4]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::operator= ( windows::Socket  socket) -> SocketStream &

Assignment operator for a native Windows socket.

This constructor takes ownership of the socket.

socketThe new socket, or INVALID_SOCKET to create a object that does not contain a socket. If socket is not INVALID_SOCKET, it must be of type SOCK_STREAM.
A reference to this object

◆ option()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<typename Value >
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::option ( int  level,
int  optionName 
) const -> Value

Gets a socket option.

Template Parameters
ValueThe type of the socket option's value. Each option requires a specific type of value. Refer to the documentation for the appropriate option for the supported types.
levelThe level at which the option resides. Must be SOL_SOCKET to get a socket level option, or one of the XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP, to get a protocol level options. Other socket levels may also be defined by the operating system.
optionNameThe name of the option. This is an option level specific integer that describes which option to set.
The value of the option
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred getting the option

◆ protocol()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::protocol ( ) const -> int

Gets the protocol of the socket.

The protocol. XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP. For default constructed objects, or if the protocol could not be determined, this function returns 0.

◆ remoteAddress()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::remoteAddress ( ) const -> Address

Gets the address that the socket is connected to.

The remote address of the socket.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred getting the socket address, or the socket is not connected.

◆ setOption() [1/2]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<typename Value >
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::setOption ( int  level,
int  optionName,
const Value &  value 
) -> void

Sets a socket option.

Template Parameters
ValueThe type of the socket option's value. Each option requires a specific type of value. Refer to the documentation for the appropriate option for the supported types.
levelThe level at which the option resides. Must be SOL_SOCKET to set a socket level option, or one of the XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP, to set a protocol level option. Other socket levels may also be defined by the operating system.
optionNameThe name of the option. This is an option level specific integer that describes which option to set.
valueThe value to set
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred setting the option

◆ setOption() [2/2]

template<io::StreamElement Element>
template<typename Value >
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::setOption ( int  level,
int  optionName,
const Value &  value,
) -> std::error_code

Sets a socket option without throwing exceptions.

This function behaves the same as setOption(), but returns an error code on error instead of throwing an exception. Use this function if you want to do your own error handling, like throwing an exception with a more descriptive what() string.

levelThe level at which the option resides. Must be SOL_SOCKET to get a socket level option, or one of the XXXPROTO_YYY protocol defines, like IPPROTO_TCP, to get a protocol level options. Other socket levels may also be defined by the operating system.
optionNameThe name of the option. This is an option level specific integer that describes which option to set.
valueThe value to set
Returns an error code on error, or std::error_code() on success.

◆ setReadTimeout()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::setReadTimeout ( std::chrono::nanoseconds  timeout)

Sets the read timeout.

timeoutThe read timeout to used when new data is expected.
See also

◆ setTimeout()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::setTimeout ( std::chrono::nanoseconds  timeout)

Sets the read and write timeout to the same value.

timeoutThe read timeout to used when new data is expected.
See also

◆ setWriteTimeout()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::setWriteTimeout ( std::chrono::nanoseconds  timeout)

Sets the write timeout.

timeoutThe read timeout to used when writing data.
See also

◆ shutdown()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::shutdown ( Socket::Direction  directions = Socket::Direction::ReadWrite) -> void

Shuts down the socket.

directionsWhich directions to shut down.
std::runtime_errorAn error occurred.

◆ socket()

template<io::StreamElement Element>
auto xentara::utils::network::SocketStream< Element >::socket ( ) const & -> const Socket &

Gets the socket as a generic socket.

The socket