xentara-utils v2.0.4
The Xentara Utility Library
CBOR encoder and decoder. More...
Classes | |
class | Array |
Header of an array, without the actual elements. More... | |
struct | BreakTag |
Type used to read and write special value 31 (break) from or to a CBOR stream. More... | |
class | Decoder |
A class that decodes CBOR data types that includes: unsigned integers, negative integers, byte strings, text strings encoded as UTF-8, simple values and float-point number. More... | |
class | Encoder |
A class that encodes CBOR data types that includes: unsigned integers, negative integers, byte strings, text strings encoded as UTF8, simple values and float-point number. More... | |
class | ExtendedDataType |
A CBOR data type with additional information. More... | |
struct | IndefiniteTag |
Type used to determine whether an array or a map has indefinite length. More... | |
class | Map |
Header of a map, without the actual key/value pairs. More... | |
struct | NullTag |
Type used to read and write special value 22 (null) from or to a CBOR stream. More... | |
class | RangeIterator |
An object that can be used to keep track of the elements when decoding a CBOR array or map. More... | |
struct | UndefinedTag |
Type used to read and write special value 23 (undefined) from or to a CBOR stream. More... | |
Functions | |
auto | throwRangeError () -> void |
Throws an exception denoting a range error in a CBOR stream. | |
auto | throwCorruptDataError () -> void |
Throws an exception denoting a corrupt data error in a CBOR stream. | |
constexpr auto | operator== (std::size_t size, IndefiniteTag tag) noexcept -> bool |
Checks whether a length value represents an indefinite length array or map. | |
Variables | |
constexpr NullTag | kNull |
A marker for special CBOR value 22 (null) | |
constexpr UndefinedTag | kUndefined |
A marker for special CBOR value 23 (undefined) | |
constexpr BreakTag | kBreak |
A marker for special CBOR value 31 (break) | |
constexpr IndefiniteTag | kIndefinite |
A helper object used to determine whether an array or a map has indefinite length. | |
CBOR encoder and decoder.
This namespace contains functionality related to C++ coroutines.
strong |
A class for alternatives values.
strong |
A fundamental CBOR data type.
These data types mostly correspond to CBOR major types. However, CBOR uses major type 7 to hold both floating point numbers, and so called “simple values” (see section 3.3 of RFC 8949). This enum defines separate enum values for the different uses of major type 7, however, to make handling major type 7 easier.
#include <xentara/utils/cbor/DataType.hpp>
Enumerator | |
Null | Null (Major type 7, additional information value 22) |
UnsignedInteger | Usigned integer (Major type 0) |
NegativeInteger | Negative integer (Major type 1) |
FloatingPoint | Floating-point number (Major type 7, additional information values 25 to 27) |
Boolean | Boolean (Major type 7, additional information values 20 and 21) |
TextString | Text string encoded as UTF-8 (Major type 3) |
ByteString | Byte string (Major type 2) |
Array | CBOR array (Major type 4) |
Map | CBOR map (Major type 5) |
Tag | CBOR data item tag (Major type 6)
Undefined | Undefined (Major type 7, additional information value 23)
SimpleValue | Unassigned simple value (Major type 7, additional information values 0 to 19 and 32 to 255) |
Break | Break (Major type 7, additional information value 31)
strong |
A class for simple values.
#include <xentara/utils/cbor/SimpleValue.hpp>
Enumerator | |
False | Represents the boolean value false |
True | Represents the boolean value true |
Null | Represents a CBOR null value. |
Undefined | Represents a undefined CBOR value.
strong |
A CBOR data item tag.
#include <xentara/utils/cbor/DataType.hpp>
Enumerator | |
StandardDateTimeString | Standard date/time string. |
EpochBasedDateTime | Epoch-based date/time. |
PositiveBignum | Positive bignum. |
NegativeBignum | Negative bignum. |
DecimalFraction | Decimal fraction. |
Bigfloat | Bigfloat. |
CoseSingleRecipientEncryptedDataObject | COSE Single Recipient Encrypted Data Object. |
CoseMacWithoutRecipientsObject | COSE Mac w/o Recipients Object. |
CoseSingleSignerDataObject | COSE Single Signer Data Object. |
CoseStandaloneV2Countersignature | COSE standalone V2 countersignature. |
ExpectedConversionToBase64urlEncoding | Expected conversion to base64url encoding. |
ExpectedConversionToBase64Encoding | Expected conversion to base64 encoding. |
ExpectedConversionToBase16Encoding | Expected conversion to base16 encoding. |
EncodedCborDataItem | Encoded CBOR data item. |
ReferenceTheNthPreviouslySeenString | reference the nth previously seen string |
SerialisedPerlObjectWithClassnameAndConstructorArguments | Serialised Perl object with classname and constructor arguments. |
SerialisedLanguageIndependentObjectWithTypeNameAndConstructorArguments | Serialised language-independent object with type name and constructor arguments. |
MarkValueAsPotentiallyShared | mark value as (potentially) shared |
ReferenceNthMarkedValue | reference nth marked value |
RationalNumber | Rational number. |
AbsentValueInACborArray | Absent value in a CBOR Array. |
Uri | URI. |
Base64url | base64url |
Base64 | base64 |
RegularExpression | Regular expression. |
MimeMessage | MIME message. |
BinaryUuid | Binary UUID ([RFC4122, Section 4.1.2]) |
LanguageTaggedString | Language-tagged string. |
Identifier | Identifier. |
MultiDimensionalArrayRowMajorOrder | Multi-dimensional Array, row-major order. |
HomogeneousArray | Homogeneous Array. |
IpldContentIdentifier | IPLD content identifier. |
YangBitsDatatype | YANG bits datatype. |
YangEnumerationDatatype | YANG enumeration datatype. |
YangIdentityrefDatatype | YANG identityref datatype. |
YangInstanceIdentifierDatatype | YANG instance-identifier datatype. |
YangSchemaItemIdentifier | YANG Schema Item iDentifier (sid) |
Ipv4 | IPv4, [prefixlen,IPv4], [IPv4,prefixpart]. |
Ipv6 | IPv6, [prefixlen,IPv6], [IPv6,prefixpart]. |
CborWebToken | CBOR Web Token (CWT) |
EncodedCborSequence | Encoded CBOR Sequence [RFC8742]. |
Uint8TypedArray | uint8 Typed Array |
Uint16BigEndianTypedArray | uint16, big endian, Typed Array |
Uint32BigEndianTypedArray | uint32, big endian, Typed Array |
Uint64BigEndianTypedArray | uint64, big endian, Typed Array |
Uint8TypedArrayClampedArithmetic | uint8 Typed Array, clamped arithmetic |
Uint16LittleEndianTypedArray | uint16, little endian, Typed Array |
Uint32LittleEndianTypedArray | uint32, little endian, Typed Array |
Uint64LittleEndianTypedArray | uint64, little endian, Typed Array |
Sint8TypedArray | sint8 Typed Array |
Sint16BigEndianTypedArray | sint16, big endian, Typed Array |
Sint32BigEndianTypedArray | sint32, big endian, Typed Array |
Sint64BigEndianTypedArray | sint64, big endian, Typed Array |
Sint16LittleEndianTypedArray | sint16, little endian, Typed Array |
Sint32LittleEndianTypedArray | sint32, little endian, Typed Array |
Sint64LittleEndianTypedArray | sint64, little endian, Typed Array |
Ieee754Binary16BigEndianTypedArray | IEEE 754 binary16, big endian, Typed Array. |
Ieee754Binary32BigEndianTypedArray | IEEE 754 binary32, big endian, Typed Array. |
Ieee754Binary64BigEndianTypedArray | IEEE 754 binary64, big endian, Typed Array. |
Ieee754Binary128BigEndianTypedArray | IEEE 754 binary128, big endian, Typed Array. |
Ieee754Binary16LittleEndianTypedArray | IEEE 754 binary16, little endian, Typed Array. |
Ieee754Binary32LittleEndianTypedArray | IEEE 754 binary32, little endian, Typed Array. |
Ieee754Binary64LittleEndianTypedArray | IEEE 754 binary64, little endian, Typed Array. |
Ieee754Binary128LittleEndianTypedArray | IEEE 754 binary128, little endian, Typed Array. |
CoseEncryptedDataObject | COSE Encrypted Data Object. |
CoseMacedDataObject | COSE MACed Data Object. |
CoseSignedDataObject | COSE Signed Data Object. |
NumberOfDaysSinceTheEpochDate | Number of days since the epoch date 1970-01-01. |
GeographicCoordinates | Geographic Coordinates. |
GeographicCoordinateReferenceSystemWktOrEpsgNumber | Geographic Coordinate Reference System WKT or EPSG number. |
RelativeObjectIdentifier | relative object identifier (BER encoding); SDNV [RFC6256] sequence |
ObjectIdentifier | object identifier (BER encoding) |
ObjectIdentifierRelativeTo1_3_6_1_4_1 | object identifier (BER encoding), relative to |
InternetOfThingsDataPoint | Internet of Things Data Point. |
MarkValueAsHavingStringReferences | mark value as having string references |
BinaryMimeMessage | Binary MIME message. |
MathematicalFiniteSet | Mathematical finite set. |
MapDatatypeWithKeyValueOperations | Map datatype with key-value operations (e.g. |
NetworkAddress | Network Address (IPv4 or IPv6 or MAC Address) (DEPRECATED in favor of 52 and 54 for IP addresses) |
NetworkAddressPrefix | Network Address Prefix (IPv4 or IPv6 Address + Mask Length) (DEPRECATED in favor of 52 and 54 for IP addresses) |
EmbeddedJsonObject | Embedded JSON Object. |
HexadecimalString | Hexadecimal string. |
DecimalFractionWithArbitraryExponent | Decimal fraction with arbitrary exponent. |
BigfloatWithArbitraryExponent | Bigfloat with arbitrary exponent. |
InternationalizedResourceIdentifier | Internationalized resource identifier (IRI) |
InternationalizedResourceIdentifierReference | Internationalized resource identifier reference (IRI reference) |
ExtendedDecimalFraction | Extended decimal fraction. |
ExtendedBigfloat | Extended bigfloat. |
ExtendedRationalNumber | Extended rational number. |
DotsSignalChannelObjectAsDefinedIn | DDoS Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) signal channel object, as defined in [RFC9132]. |
NonUtf8Cesu8String | Non-UTF-8 CESU-8 string. |
NonUtf8Wtf8String | Non-UTF-8 WTF-8 string. |
NonUtf8Mutf8String | Non-UTF-8 MUTF-8 string. |
MapContainsOnlyKeysThatAreOfTypeTextString | Map contains only keys that are of type Text String (major type 3) |
ErisBinaryReadCapability | ERIS binary read capability. |
GadShape | Universal Geographical Area Description (GAD) shape. |
GadDescriptionOfVelocity | Universal Geographical Area Description (GAD) description of velocity. |
ExtendedTime | extended time |
Duration | duration |
Period | period |
FullDateString | [RFC3339] full-date string |
MultiDimensionalArrayColumnMajorOrder | Multi-dimensional Array, column-major order. |
HintThatIndicatesAnAdditionalLevelOfIndirection | hint that indicates an additional level of indirection |
Capture | Capture [3]. |
IdentifierForAFhirConstant | Identifier for a FHIR constant. |
ExternalReference | External reference. |
ConfidentialityClearance | A confidentiality clearance. The key value pairs of the map are defined in ADatP-4774.4. |
MetadataBinding | A metadata binding. The elements of the array are defined in AdatP-4778.5. The tag is also used as part of the magic number in on-disk detached and encapsulating bindings. |
CollectionOfNcmsMetadataElements | A collection of NCMS metadata elements. The key value pairs of the map are defined in AdatP-5636.4. |
SingleComplexNumber | Single complex number: array elements are real (I) and imaginary (Q) components. |
ArrayOfComplexNumbersInInterleavedForm | Array of complex numbers in interleaved form: complex value k is stored with real (I) part at array index 2k and imaginary (Q) part at index (2k + 1) |
PlatformVIsId | PlatformV_IS_ID. |
PlatformVIsName | PlatformV_IS_NAME. |
PlatformVIsValue | PlatformV_IS_VALUE. |
PlatformVHasCompositeValue | PlatformV_HAS_COMPOSITE_VALUE. |
PlatformVHasMappedValue | PlatformV_HAS_MAPPED_VALUE. |
PlatformVHasObjId | PlatformV_HAS_OBJ_ID. |
PlatformVHasObjTag | PlatformV_HAS_OBJ_TAG. |
PlatformVHasChild | PlatformV_HAS_CHILD. |
PlatformVHasProperty | PlatformV_HAS_PROPERTY. |
PlatformVHasMeta | PlatformV_HAS_META. |
PlatformVHasEvent | PlatformV_HAS_EVENT. |
PlatformVHasAction | PlatformV_HAS_ACTION. |
PlatformVIsType | PlatformV_IS_TYPE. |
SelfDescribedCbor | Self-described CBOR. |
FileContainsCborSequences | indicates that the file contains CBOR Sequences |
FileStartsWithACborLabeledNonCborDataLabel | indicates that the file starts with a CBOR-Labeled Non-CBOR Data label. |
CompressedByteString | Compressed byte string. |
SetOfRecordStructures | Identify and define a set of record structures (each a sequence of property names) that can be referenced as tags in the included value (and the scope for the record tag definitions) |
RecordStructure | Identify and define a record structure (a sequence of property names), and use that record structure definition to interpret the included values. |
ArrayOfAttestationEvidenceDataWithIntelTeeQuote | The tagged CBOR array contains attestation evidence data with an Intel TEE quote. |
ArrayOfAttestationEvidenceDataWithIntelTeeReport | The tagged CBOR array contains attestation evidence data with an Intel TEE report. |
ArrayOfAttestationEvidenceDataWithIntelSgxReport | The tagged CBOR array contains attestation evidence data with an Intel SGX report. |
RainsMessage | RAINS Message. |
CborEncodedOpenswanConfigurationFile | A CBOR encoded Openswan configuration file, as stored on disk for unit test cases. |
ConciseSoftwareIdentifier | Concise Software Identifier (CoSWID) |
ArrayOfContentAddressedBlocksAndErisReadCapabilities | Array of content-addressed blocks and ERIS read capabilities. |
IntelFpgaSpdmManifest | Intel FPGA SPDM Manifest. |
constexprnoexcept |
Checks whether a length value represents an indefinite length array or map.
#include <xentara/utils/cbor/Types.hpp>
size | The length of the array, as returned by Array::Size() or MapHeader::size(). |
tag | Always pass kIndefinite as this parameter |
auto xentara::utils::cbor::throwCorruptDataError | ( | ) | -> void |
Throws an exception denoting a corrupt data error in a CBOR stream.
auto xentara::utils::cbor::throwRangeError | ( | ) | -> void |
Throws an exception denoting a range error in a CBOR stream.
constexpr |
A marker for special CBOR value 31 (break)
This marker is used to read and write special value 31 (break) from or to a CBOR stream
#include <xentara/utils/cbor/Manipulators.hpp>
constexpr |
A helper object used to determine whether an array or a map has indefinite length.
This object can be used to construct arrays and maps of indefinite length. It can also be compared to and std::size_t to determine if it represents the length of an indefinite length array or map.
#include <xentara/utils/cbor/Types.hpp>
constexpr |
A marker for special CBOR value 22 (null)
This marker is used to read and write special value 22 (null) from or to a CBOR stream
#include <xentara/utils/cbor/Manipulators.hpp>
constexpr |
A marker for special CBOR value 23 (undefined)
This marker is used to read and write special value 23 (undefined) from or to a CBOR stream
#include <xentara/utils/cbor/Manipulators.hpp>