Xentara v2.0.3
User Manual
Structure of the Config File

The Xentara config file consists of a JSON object containing all the required skill configurations:

"$schema": "https://docs.xentara.io/xentara/schema-xentara-config.json",
"httpServer": {
"skill.Skill1": {
"skill.Skill2": {
"skill.Skill3": {

Where Skill1, Skill2, and Skill3 are the names of the skills that the respective configuration blocks are for.

Object Members

An optional string value containing the URI of the JSON schema for Xentara config files. Xentara itself ignores this member, but some editors may use it to associate the model file with the correct JSON schema.

The schema schould always point to https://docs.xentara.io/xentara/schema-xentara-config.json.


An optional JSON object containing the configuration of the built-in HTTP server that provies the Xentara WebSocket interface. The format of the object is described under JSON Format for the HTTP Server Configuration.

If you do not specify this member, the HTTP server will be disabled.


These JSON objects contain the configuration for the individual skills. The name of each configuration section consists of two parts:

  • skill This part is fixed and always appears exaclty as shown.
  • SkillName This is the name of the skill whose configuration is contained in the section.

The format of the individual config sections is defined by the corresponding skill. Please refer to the documentation of the corresponding skill for a description of the configuration format.

A JSON schema file to validate config files is available here.