Xentara v2.0.3
User Manual
JSON Format for the HTTP Server Configuration
See also

The JSON object describing the configuration of the built-in Xentara HTTP server has the following syntax:

"httpServer": {
"port": 8080,
"authentication": {

Object Members

A numeric value specifying the port number the HTTP server should listen on. The port number must be between 1 and 65535.

Please note that under Linux, the port numbers 1 to 1024 normally require root privileges to use. Using these ports is therefore not recommended. If you do need to use a port number below 1025, you must give Xentara the necessary privileges using setcap(8).


An optional object containg the authentication options for the HTTP server. The format of the object is describen in JSON Format for HTTP Authentication Settings.

If you do not specify this member, the the default options described in JSON Format for HTTP Authentication Settings will be used.

If you do not specify an "httpServer" object at all, then the HTTP server will be disabled.