The Xentara EtherCAT Driver v1.3
User Manual


There are two different types of error in the Xentara EtherCAT driver. One straight from the EtherCAT status codes and additional custom error set forth by Xentara.

EtherCAT AL Status Codes

The Xentara EtherCAT displays the error in the error attribute if an error is returned by the EtherCAT bus or devices in accordance with the EtherCAT specification. The table below lists the Xentara EtherCAT driver error numbers that correspond to the EtherCAT AL status code.

Following short forms are used in the table below.

  • E: Error Indication flag
  • I: Init
  • P: Pre-Operational
  • B: Boot
  • S: Safe-Operational
  • O: Operational
AL Status Code Description Current state (or state change) Resulting state
0x0000 No error Any Current state
0x0001 Unspecified error Any Any + E
0x0002 No memory Any Any + E
0x0011 Invalid requested state change I→S, I→O, P→O O→B, S→B, P→B Current state + E
0x0012 Unknown requested state Any Current state + E
0x0013 Bootstrap not supported I→B I + E
0x0014 No valid firmware I→P I + E
0x0015 Invalid mailbox configuration I→B I + E
0x0016 Invalid mailbox configuration I→P I + E
0x0017 Invalid sync manager configuration P→S, S→O Current state + E
0x0018 No valid inputs available O, S, P→S P + E
0x0019 No valid outputs O, S→O S + E
0x001A Synchronization error O, S→O S + E
0x001B Sync manager watchdog O, S S + E
0x001C Invalid Sync Manager Types O, S S + E
P→S P + E
0x001D Invalid Output Configuration O, S S + E
P→S P + E
0x001E Invalid Input Configuration O, S, P→S P + E
0x001F Invalid Watchdog Configuration O, S, P→S P + E
0x0020 Slave needs cold start Any P + E
0x0021 Slave needs INIT B, P, S, O P + E
0x0022 Slave needs PREOP S, O P + E
0x0023 Slave needs SAFEOP O P + E
0x0024 Invalid input mapping P→S P + E
0x0025 Invalid output mapping P→S P + E
0x0026 Inconsistent settings P→S P + E
0x0027 Free Run not supported P→S P + E
0x0028 Synchronization not supported P→S P + E
0x0029 Free Run needs 3 buffer mode P→S P + E
0x002A Background watchdog S, O P + E
0x002B No valid inputs and outputs O, S→O S + E
0x002C Fatal Sync error O S + E
0x002D No Sync error S→O S + E
0x0030 Invalid DC SYNCH Configuration O, S S + E
0x0031 Invalid DC Latch Configuration O, S S + E
0x0032 PLL Error O, S S + E
0x0033 Invalid DC IO Error O, S S + E
0x0034 Invalid DC Timeout Error O, S S + E
0x0035 DC invalid Sync Cycle Time P→S S + E
0x0036 DC Sync0 Cycle Time P→S S + E
0x0037 DC Sync1 Cycle Time P→S S + E
0x0041 MBX_AOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0042 MBX_EOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0043 MBX_COE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0044 MBX_FOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0045 MBX_SOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x004F MBX_VOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0050 EEPROM no access Any Any + E
0x0051 EEPROM error Any Any + E
0x0060 Slave restarted locally Any I
0x0061 Device Identification Value updated P P + E
0x00F0 Application Controller available

The EtherCAT error codes are described in greater details in the AL Status Codes, available under EtherCAT diagnostics.

Custom Error

The Xentara EtherCAT driver also defines the additional custom errors. They are as follows:

Error Code Description
001 Port not open
002 Raw socket
003 Other frame has returned
004 Device count exceeded
005 Timeout
006 Less device than expected
007 No frame has returned
008 Bus is uninitialized
009 Init State
010 PreOperational State
011 SafeOperational State
012 Waiting for Operational State
013 Boot State
014 Wrong working counter
015 IO Mapping
016 Configuration mismatch b/w Json & actual config
999 Unknown