The Xentara Beckhoff ADS Driver v1.2
User Manual
ADS Device
See also
Accessing Xentara Elements
Xetara Tasks


The ADS.Device is the main element of The Xentara Beckhoff ADS Driver. It possesses its own members, publishes its own attributes and exposes its own task. The required parameters for establishing a connection to the target device are defined as members of the Device's configuration and all the information about the connection status are available through the Device's attributes. The desired variables are defined as the children of this element as well as the polls that the variables belong to.


idA string value containing the ID of the ADS device. The ID is used to construct the ADS device’s primary key.
UUIDA string value containing the unique UUID of the ADS device.
ACLAn optional JSON object containing the element ACL of the ADS device. The format of the block is described here.
targetAddressA string value containing the network address (IP address or domain name) of the target ADS device.
targetNetIdA string value containing the AMS NetID of the target ADS device.
targetAmsPortA string value containing the port number of the target ADS device. If omitted, the default value of 851 will be used.
keepAliveA time interval which the device should check the connection health based on.
disableSumCommandsA flag that disables the read and write opperations to be performed in batches using ADS SumCommands. In this case ADS read/write operations will be handled individually using normal ADS commands. If omitted the default value of "false" will be used.
Setting this flag has a significant negative impact on performance. Only use it if your ADS device does not support ADS SumCommands.
childrenAn array of variables and polls this device defines.


deviceStateThe connection state of the device. True if connected and false if not.
connectionTimeThe last time the device state was changed.
errorA string value containing the last device error.
ADSDeviceStateA string value containing the last target ADS device state.
ADSDeviceStateChangeTimeThe last time the ADS device state was changed.


reconnectTries to reconnect to the target ADS device if the connection is down.