The Xentara Beckhoff ADS Driver v1.2
User Manual
ADS Variable


The ADS.Variable defines an individual variable in target ADS device with its symbol name and data type. Also the Poll which the variable belongs to will be configured through its members. The specific member length is also required for STRING and WSTRING data types. Furthermore the variable publishes multiple attributes that reflect the current value, error, quality and other information about its status.


idA string value containing the ID of the ADS variable. The ID is used to construct the ADS variable’s primary key.
UUIDA string value containing the unique UUID of the ADS variable.
ACLAn optional JSON object containing the element ACL of the ADS variable. The format of the block is described here.
dataTypeA string value containing the data type of the variable in the target ADS device.
symbolNameA string value containing the symbol name of the variable in the target ADS device.
pollA string value containing the primary key of the poll which the variable belongs to.
lengthThe length of the string if the dataType is STRING or WSTRING. This member is not defined for other data types.


valueThe value of the variable.
qualityThe quality of the current value.
errorThe last read error.
updateTimeThe last time the value was updated.
changeTimeThe last time the value changed.
writeTimeThe last time the value was written.
writeErrorThe last write error.

Supported data types

Data Type C++ Equivalent Data Type
1 BOOL bool
2 BYTE std::uint8_t
3 WORD std::uint16_t
4 DWORD std::uint32_t
5 LWORD std::uint64_t
6 SINT std::int8_t
7 USINT std::uint8_t
8 INT std::int16_t
9 UINT std::int16_t
10 DINT std::int32_t
11 UDINT std::int32_t
12 LINT std::uint64_t
13 ULINT std::uint64_t
14 REAL float
15 LREAL double
16 STRING std::string
17 WSTRING std::u16string