The Xentara Siemens S7 Driver v1.1.2
User Manual
Data Items
See also
Skill Data Points in the Xentara user manual

A data item maps a single variable in the target device to the Xentara model tree as a skill data point. The data item must refer to an address in the target S7 PLC and has a defined data type. In addition, it must be configured as a member of a command to be read and written.

Data items that refer to a memory area located in data blocks of the target PLC must be defined as children of the corresponding data block objects.

Accessing Data Items

See also
Accessing Xentara Elements in the Xentara user manual

S7 data items have the following attributes:

keyThe data item’s primary key.
nameThe data item’s name. The name is the last component of the primary key.
UUIDThe unique UUID of the data item.
typeThe data item’s element type. For S7 data items, this is always “S7 data item”.
categoryThe data item’s category. For S7 data items, this is always “data point”.
valueThe value of the data item.
qualityThe quality of the current value.
errorThe last read error.
writeErrorThe last write error. This attribute is available only if the data item is writable.
changeTimeThe last time the value was changed.
writeTimeThe last time the value was written. This attribute is available only if the data item is writable.

Supported Data Types

The Xentara S7 driver supports the following S7 data types:

Data Type Description
Bool Boolean value (true or false)
Byte unsigned 8-bit integer
Word unsigned 16-bit integer
DWord unsigned 32-bit integer
SInt signed 8-bit integer
USInt unsigned 8-bit integer
Int signed 16-bit integer
UInt unsigned 16-bit integer
DInt signed 32-bit integer
UDInt signed 32-bit integer
Real 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point value
LReal 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point value
String A string of 8-Bit characters