xentara-utils v2.0.4
The Xentara Utility Library
▼Nxentara | |
▼Nliterals | Inline namespace containing user defined literals |
Ncbor_literals | Inline namespace containing literals for CBOR values |
Npath_literals | Inline namespace containing literals for native filsystem path strings |
Nuuid_literals | Inline namespace containing literals for UUIDs |
▼Nutils | |
►Natomic | Atomics for special types |
COptional | An atomic version of std::optional |
CUniquePointer | An atomic version of std::unique_ptr |
►Ncbor | CBOR encoder and decoder |
CArray | Header of an array, without the actual elements |
CBreakTag | Type used to read and write special value 31 (break) from or to a CBOR stream |
CDecoder | A class that decodes CBOR data types that includes: unsigned integers, negative integers, byte strings, text strings encoded as UTF-8, simple values and float-point number |
CEncoder | A class that encodes CBOR data types that includes: unsigned integers, negative integers, byte strings, text strings encoded as UTF8, simple values and float-point number |
CExtendedDataType | A CBOR data type with additional information |
CIndefiniteTag | Type used to determine whether an array or a map has indefinite length |
CMap | Header of a map, without the actual key/value pairs |
CNullTag | Type used to read and write special value 22 (null) from or to a CBOR stream |
►CRangeIterator | An object that can be used to keep track of the elements when decoding a CBOR array or map |
CDummyValue | A dummy value type |
CUndefinedTag | Type used to read and write special value 23 (undefined) from or to a CBOR stream |
►Nchrono | std::chrono compatibility |
CDecomposedDate | A date, decomposed into its components |
CDecomposedTimePoint | A time point, decomposed into its components |
►Ncore | Core functionality |
Npmr | Collections with polymorphic allocators |
CCapacity | Type used to select overloads of FixedVector that preallocate data |
CContiguousIterator | A wrapper around an iterator type that turns it into a fully featured contiguous iterator |
►CCountingIterator | An iterator that can be used to count the length of an output sequence |
CSink | Dummy object used for assigning values |
CFactory | A factory for creating objects derived from of a certain base class |
CFactoryTag | Tag used to create factories for a specific concrete type |
CFixedVector | A vector that has a fixed capacity |
CFlags | A set of flags that are indexed by an enum |
CIsCountingIterator | Determines if a type is a specialization of CountingIterator |
CRawVector | A block of raw data |
CStaticVector | A vector that uses a statically allocated buffer for the data |
CUninitializedTag | Type used to select overloads of RawVector that leave elements uninitialized |
CUuid | A UUID |
RCountingIteratorType | Determines if a type is a specialization of CountingIterator |
RFlagEnum | A concept that represents an enum suitable as a flag |
►Ncoro | Coroutine functionality |
►CGenerator | A coroutine handle suitable for generators |
CIterator | The iterator type used to access the generated values |
►Neh | Exception and error handling |
►Ndeprecated | |
CFailable | deprecated A value that may be replaced by an error code |
Cbad_expected_access | Implementation of C++23 std::bad_expected_access](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/expected/bad_expected_access) |
CExceptionGuard | A class that detects whether the stack is currently being wound up |
Cexpected | Implementation of C++23 std::expected |
Cunexpect_t | Implementation of C++23 std::unexpect_t |
Cunexpected | Implementation of C++23 std::unexpected |
►Nfilesystem | File systen tools |
Npath | Filesystem path functionality |
CStandardPathIterator | An iterator that traverses all directories in a standard system search path |
►Nfunctional | Tools used for function-like objects |
Cfunction_ref | Implementation of std::function_ref |
Cfunction_ref< R(ArgTypes...) const > | Specialization of xentara::utils::functional::function_ref for callable with signature auto (ArgTypes...) const -> R |
Cfunction_ref< R(ArgTypes...) const noexcept > | Specialization of xentara::utils::functional::function_ref for callable with signature auto (ArgTypes...) const noexcept -> R |
Cfunction_ref< R(ArgTypes...) noexcept > | Specialization of xentara::utils::functional::function_ref for callable with signature auto (ArgTypes...) noexcept -> R |
Cfunction_ref< R(ArgTypes...)> | Specialization of xentara::utils::functional::function_ref for callable with signature auto (ArgTypes...) -> R |
Cnontype_t | Implementation of std::nontype_t |
►Nio | Input/Output functionality |
CAbstractBufferedInputStream | Base class for input streams that use a private allocated read buffer |
CAbstractBufferedOutputStream | Base class for output streams that use a private allocated write buffer |
CAbstractDeviceInputStream | Base class for input streams that read from an InputDevice |
CAbstractDeviceOutputStream | Base class for output streams that read from an OutputDevice |
CConnectionClosed | Mixin class used to denote that a connection was closed on a communication device |
CDeviceBase | Common base class for input and output devices |
CDeviceInputStream | A stream that reads from an io::InputDevice |
CDeviceOutputStream | A stream that writes to an io::OutputDevice |
CEndOfDataError | An exception that is thrown when not enough data could be read |
CEndOfStreamError | An exception that is thrown when the end of the stream has been reached |
CFile | A file |
CFileExistsError | An exception that is thrown when trying to create a file that already exists |
CFileInputStream | A stream that reads from a file |
CFileNotFoundError | An exception that is thrown when trying to open a file that does not exist |
CFileOutputStream | A stream that writes to a file |
CInputDevice | Base class for all input devices |
►CInputStream | Base class for input streams |
CReadPosition | A class used to remember positions with the stream |
CMemoryInputDevice | A device that reads data from memory |
CMemoryInputStream | A stream that reads data from memory |
CMemoryOutputDevice | A device that writes data to a memory region |
CMemoryOutputDevice< Void > | A specialization for MemoryOutputDevice that uses void as element type |
CMemoryOutputDeviceBase | Common base class for specializations of MemoryOutputDevice |
CMemoryOutputStream | A stream that writes data to a memory region |
CMemoryOutputStream< Element, void > | A specialization for MemoryOutputStream that uses void as element type |
CMemoryOutputStreamBase | Common base class for specializations of MemoryOutputStream |
COutputDevice | Base class for all output devices |
COutputStream | Base class for input streams |
CReadTimeoutError | An exception that is thrown when no more data arrived within a reasonable time |
CStopRequested | Exception thrown when an operation is interrupted programmatically using a stop source |
CStopSource | A class that allows interrupting wait operations on communications classes |
CStreamBase | Common base class for input and output streams |
CWriteTimeoutError | An exception that is thrown when data could not be send within a reasonable time |
RMemoryStreamStorageElement | Concept for storage elements for MemoryInputStream and MemoryOutputStream |
RStreamElement | Concept for stream elements |
►Nios | std::ios related functionality |
CIndent | Automatic object that indents a stream |
CToLocalTime | Manipulator for inserting time points into std::ostreams as local time |
►Nipc | Inter-process communication functionality |
CNamedPipe | A named pipe for communication with other processes |
CNamedPipeServer | A class to create a named pipe server |
CNamedPipeStream | @ Class for named pipes read/write incorporating output and input device streams |
CShmPointer | A fancy pointer type suitable for use in shared memories |
►Niterator | Iterator functionality |
CTerminationSentinel | A sentinel that checks for the temination of a sequence |
►Njson | JSON encoder and decoder |
►Ndecoder | JSON decoder |
CAllowLegacyMicrosecondsTag | Type used to specify that a time duration should allow a number of microseconds as well as a duration string |
►CArray | An accessor used for reading the elements of a JSON array |
CIterator | An iterator that can be used to iterate over the array’s elements |
CDocument | A JSON document |
CException | Mixin class for exceptions that occurred in a JSON document |
CLocation | A class that can be used to log messages related to a specific line in a specific JSON document |
CName | The name of a member of a JSON object |
CNullValueError | An Exception that is thrown when attempting to access a null value |
►CObject | An accessor used for reading the members of a JSON object |
CIterator | An iterator to iterator to iterate over the members |
CMember | A member of an object |
►CString | An accessor used for reading a JSON string progressively |
CIterator | An iterator that can be used to iterator over a string as UTF-8 code units |
CSyntaxError | An Exception that is thrown when a JSON stream is not valid |
CTypeMismatchError | An Exception that is thrown when a value has the wrong type |
CValue | A single value in a JSON document |
►Nencoder | JSON encoder |
CArray | A class used for writing a JSON array |
CDocument | A JSON document |
CNull | Type used to represent a JSON null value |
CObject | A class used for writing a JSON object |
CString | A class used for writing a JSON string value progressively |
CValue | A class used for writing a JSON value Objects of this class can be moved, but not copied |
►Nlinux | Linux functionality |
CCpuSet | A CPU set for use with sched_setaffinity(2) or pthread_setaffinity_np(3) |
►NlockFree | Lock-free algorithms |
►CConditionVariable | A notification that can be sent to one or more threads |
CTracker | A helper class that tracks which changes have already been seen |
►CLockFreeTraversableMap | A map that can be traversed without locking |
CIterator | |
►CTraverser | |
CIterator | |
CPool | A lock-free pool that manages a number of preallocator memory locations for objects |
CQueue | A lock free queue |
►Nmemory | Memory tools |
CByteOffset | A byte offset that can be used for byte-based pointer arithmetic This class A number that can be added to or subtracted from a pointer to move it by the corresponding number of bytes, as opposed to element. Also works on void pointers |
CControlBlockMemoryResource | A memory resource that allocates an additional control block |
CDestroyAt | A wrapper around std::destroy_at() that can be used as a deleter for std::unique_ptr |
CEmbedded | A container that contains exactly one object |
CIndirectObject | An object allocated indirectly on the heap |
CPlacement | Polymorphic placement for placement new |
CResizableBuffer | A buffer that can be resized if buffer space runs out |
CSafeGlobal | A container that holds an object that is safe from the static initialization order fiasco |
CSizedStorage | Storage that uses short data optimization |
RMemoryElement | An element in a memory region |
RMemoryIterator | An iterator suitable for iterating over a memory region |
RMemoryRegion | A collection suitable as a memory region |
RVoidPointer | A concept that checks for void pointers |
►Nnetwork | Networking functionality |
CAddress | A network address |
CBacklog | Marker for listening backlog |
CBadAddressStringError | An Exception that is thrown when a numeric address string had a bad format |
CHostNotFoundError | An Exception that is thrown when a host name lookup failed |
CIllegalPortNumberError | An Exception that is thrown when a port number is out of range |
CMissingPortNumberError | An Exception that is thrown when a host name/port number pair does not contain a port number |
CNonBlockingTag | Type used to specify that a socket should be non blocking |
CRequirePortTag | Type used to specify that a host name or address string must include a port number |
CSocket | A socket |
CSocketDevice | A stream socket that implements io::InputDevice and io::OutputDevice |
CSocketServer | A class to create a socket server |
CSocketStream | A stream socket that implements io::InputStream and io::OutputStream |
CTimeout | Marker for timeout value |
CWithStopSource | Marker for using a stop source |
RSockaddrCompatible | A concept describing types that can be used as socket addresses |
►Nnumeric | Numeric utilities |
►CIeeeFloatingPointTraits | Information about an IEEE floating point type |
CBits | A type that can store all the bits of the type |
►Nposix | Posix functionality |
CFile | A Posix file descriptor that closes itself on destruct |
CSignalBlocker | Helper class to temporarily block all signals |
►NrealTime | Real-time support functionality |
CBlockSignalsGuard | This class sets the scheduling priority of the calling thread to the maximum real-time priority for the duration of its lifetime |
CDmaLatencyGuard | This class sets the DMA latency of the system to a certain value for the duration of its lifetime |
CRealTimePriorityGuard | This class sets the scheduling priority of the calling thread to the maximum real-time priority for the duration of its lifetime |
CTimerSlackGuard | This class sets the timer slack of the calling thread to a certain value for the duration of its lifetime |
►Nstring | String utilities |
Ndeprecated | |
Noperators | Inline namespace containg operators for special custom string types |
Nunicode | |
CBasicFixedString | A string with a fixed size |
CBasicHashKey | A string that enables heterogeneous lookup when used as a key for hash tables |
►CBasicStaticString | A string that uses a statically allocated buffer for the data |
CRawData | An object that enables low-level access to the string’s data and size |
CBasicStringView | A string view that can be implicitly converted to std::basic_string |
CConverter | A convert that allows conversion from one string type to another |
CFillTag | Type used to autzomatically select the correct size in constructors of BasicFixedString that normally take a size |
CIsNoopConversion | Determines if a conversion between two string types is a NOOP |
CUninitializedTag | Type used to select the constructor of BasicFixedString that leaves characters uninitialized |
Cview | This is a wrapper class that supplies missing operator + () for string views |
RSpecialStringType | A concept for determining whether a type is a special custom string type |
RCharacterType | A concept for character data |
►Nsystem | System related functionality |
CSystemInfo | This class can be used to access some real-time relevant properties of the system |
►Nthreads | Threading functionality |
Ndeprecated | |
►Ntools | Tools and utilities |
NbyteSwap | |
Ndeprecated | |
CDataAllocatorPair | A compound class pairing a possibly empty allocator with data |
CDefer | A class that executes a callable at destruct time |
CDeferThrowing | A class that executes a callable at destruct time, catching exceptions if necessary |
CDisableCopy | A class that can be neither copied nor moved |
CHash | A hash object with extended functionality |
CIsArithmetic | Determines if a type is an arithmetic type, but not a bool or a special character type |
CIsBool | Determines if a type is a Boolean type |
CIsCharType | Determines if a type is a special character type |
CIsIeeeFloatingPoint | Determines if a type is an IEEE floating point |
CIsIntegral | Determines if a type is an integral type, but not a bool or a special character type |
CIsNothrowStringViewable | Determines if a type can be converted to a string view without throwing exceptions |
CIsNothrowStringViewConstructible | Determines if a type can be constructed from a string view without throwing exceptions |
CIsParameterPackType | Determines if a type is a specialization of ParameterPack |
CIsSame | Determines if two types are the same, without taking into account qualifiers or references |
CIsStringType | Determines if a type is a specialization of std::basic_string |
CIsStringViewable | Determines if a type can be converted to a string view |
CIsStringViewConstructible | Determines if a type can be constructed from a string view |
CIsStringViewType | Determines if a type is a specialization of std::basic_string_view |
CNotCopyMove | Checks whether a parameter pack doesn't consist of a single element with a specific type |
CParameterPack | A marker for a pack of parameters |
CParameterPack<> | Specialization for an empty paramter pack |
►CPolymorphicVariant | An aligned union for polymorphic types derived from a base class |
CAbstractSupervisor | A supervisor object that deals with the actual types |
CValuelessByExceptionSupervisor | A dummy supervisor for variants that are valueleass by exception |
CUnique | A class that can be moved but not copied |
CUnownedPointer | A non-owning pointer that is interface compatible with std::unique_ptr |
CUnownedPointer< Element[], Deleter > | Template specialization of UnownedPointer for array types |
RIntegral | Determines if a type is an integral type, but not a bool or a special character type |
RSignedIntegral | Determines if a type is a signed integral type, but not a bool or a special character type |
RUnsignedIntegral | Determines if a type is an integral type, but not a bool or a special character type |
RArithmetic | Determines if a type is an arithmetic type, but not a bool or a special character type |
RIeeeFloatingPoint | A concept describing an IEEE floating point |
RBool | Determines if a type is a Boolean type |
RCharType | Determines if a type is a special character type |
RStringType | Determines if a type is a specialization of std::basic_string |
RStringViewType | Determines if a type is a specialization of std::basic_string_view |
RStringViewable | Determines if a type can be converted to a string view |
RStringViewConstructible | Determines if a type can be constructed from a string view |
RSameAs | Determines if two types are the same, without taking into account qualifiers or references |
ROneOf | Determines if a type is one of a list of allowed types |
RSingleton | A concept used for singleton classes |
RNullablePointer | A concept for pointers that can be nulled |
RAllocator | A concept for pointers that can be nulled |
REqualityComparableWithExcept | Helper concept for implementing equality comparison operators |
RThreeWayComparableWithExcept | Helper concept for implementing three-way comparison operators |
RStdHashable | This concept checks whether a class has a proper specialization for std::hash |
RParameterPackType | Determines if a type is a specialization of ParameterPack |
►Ntparam | Template parameters |
Noperators | Inline namespace contaning all the symbols from xentara::utils::string::operators |
CBasicString | A string literal that can be used as a template parameter |
CString | A string literal of type char |
CU16String | A string literal of type char16_t |
CU32String | A string literal of type char32_t |
CU8String | A string literal of type char8_t |
CUuid | A UUID that can be used as a template parameter |
CWString | A string literal of type wchar_t |
►Nwindows | Windows functionality |
►Ncom | Windows COM functionality |
NvariantTypes | Namespace containing Windows COM variant types |
CException | An exception that wraps an IErrorInfo COM object |
►CObjectHandle | A handle to a COM object |
CSetter | Helper class for calling functions that take an output parameter |
►CString | An COM string object |
CSetter | Helper class for calling functions that take an output parameter |
CThreadEnvironment | A class that initializes the COM interface |
►CVariant | A COM variant object |
CSetter | Helper class for calling functions that take an output parameter |
►Npath | Filesystem path functionality |
CStringOrStringReference | A string that may or may not point to the internal buffer of a path |
►Nwmi | Windows WMI functionality |
CLocator | A locator for WMI services |
CNamespace | A connection to a WMI namespace on the local machine |
CObject | A WMI object |
CResultSet | A result set of a WMI query |
CAbstractHresultErrorCategory | Base class for error categories for Windows HRESULT values |
►CHandle | A Windows handle that closes itself on destruct |
CSetter | Helper class for calling functions that take an output parameter |
CLocalFreeDeleter | A deleter that uses LocalFree() |
►CLocalFreePointer | A smart pointer that frees its object using LocalFree() |
CSetter | Helper class for calling functions that take an output parameter |
COverlappedResult | The result of an overlapped operation that used extra wait objects |
►CRegistryKey | A Windows registry key handle that closes itself on destruct |
CSetter | Helper class for calling functions that take an output parameter |
►CSubKeyEnumerator | An object that allows enumerating the sub keys of a key |
Cconst_iterator | A const iterator |
►CValueEnumerator | An object that allows enumerating the values contained within a key |
Cconst_iterator | A const iterator |
►CSid | A Windows security descriptor (SID) that is automatically freed on destruct |
CSetter | Helper class for calling functions that take an output parameter |
CSocket | A Windows socket that closes itself on destruct |
RRegistryValue | A concept that describes C++ data types used for registry values |